courage for the week 2.20.11

19 February 2011

lone tulip{pic source}yourself ralph waldo emerson


  1. Thank you for the uplifting words, I too, needed this today...must be something in the air. I need to be reminded to "be myself" and to love myself as God loves me. I pray daily for strength but also forget I am not in control because he is the one who gives it ALL to me.
    Have a blessed week

  2. Thank you for the uplifting words, I too, needed this today...must be something in the air. I need to be reminded to "be myself" and to love myself as God loves me. I pray daily for strength but also forget I am not in control because he is the one who gives it ALL to me.
    Have a blessed week

  3. I love it! I always love the courage for the week quotes you share. I have never commented before, but I love your blog and have been reading for a while now.

    P.S.- Can you share what the fonts are you use for the courage of the week? I have to find those! Thanks! :)

  4. Traci at Beneath My Heart1/16/14, 11:02 PM

    Thanks Melissa! I needed to read this. Just been feeling down from comparing myself to other super bloggers. I get so mad at myself when I do that!!!! Ugh. Am I ever going to grow up?!
    I guess He's still teaching me... I only have to be what He has made in me. :)


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