My Favorite Things 2017

13 November 2017

Are you ready for this week? I am very excited for our 8th annual Favorite Things! You are going to love the women this week that will be sharing their favorites, so come back every day.

favorite things 2017

Here are my favorites for 2017:

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* Kate Spade planner

I still love paper to take notes at meetings and conferences, write things down for future, etc. I love the tabs, the weight of the paper, the monthly view and then the weekly. It begins in September, so I just take those papers out when I get it in December. Last year on the Kate Spade website they went to $15, so I’ll alert you if they go down.

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* Gain Original Oil Warmer

It’s just fresh and clean and smell like laundry. Perfect for a basement or family room – it just smells like laundry. I also love the car ones – they are on sale at Sam’s this month!!

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* VidAngel

Our family loves Vid Angel! It’s a filtering service that lets you edit out sex, language, nudity, violence, etc. from your favorite movies and TV shows for $7.99/month.  You connect your streaming service (Netflix, Amazon, etc.) and then pick your filters. I love not worrying what is coming up next when we’re watching with kids.

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* Ninja 1500 watt blender system

I got a Blendtec for my birthday from Costco and really wasn’t that impressed for the price. I saw that they were having a special on Ninjas so I exchanged it (I also love Costco’s return policy!!) and I LOVE it and it was more than $200 less. I think I’ve used the food processor on this once but if you want the 1500 watt I think you have to get the whole package. We especially love the blender cups for breakfast smoothies to take and go. We’ve had it for 2 years now and it’s still going strong.

salad bowl

* this salad bowl!

I don’t have a link because I found it at TJ Maxx and it is perfect for salads because it is low and wide so that you can spread the toppings across the top and they don’t all fall down to the bottom. It’s about 13 inches across and 4.5 inches deep. I need to keep my eye out for another one because I will be so sad if this one breaks.

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* Kristin Andrus workouts

These are free workouts that she posts that you can do at home with some weights and a mat. I love the energy of going to a class but if I can’t make it she’s great to pull up on your phone and do what you can.

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* Gorilla Snot Hair Gel

I love this for my boys! My SIL Kristine introduced this for us and the whole concept is just gross but it totally makes hair stay put and doesn’t do the white flake thing. And the boys think it is awesome to put gorilla snot in their hair…we get it at Wal-mart.

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* Glade Tree Lighting Wonder Plug-Ins

And because I am such a sucker for good smells, this one is perfect for Christmas AND you can get them at great prices, especially compared to the wallflowers at Bath & Body Works. I usually don’t love Glade, but this one is spot on. It’s a perfect holiday scent with fir needle, spruce, eucalyptus. I looked on Amazon and for some reason they are crazy high priced. Just get them at your local grocery store or my Sam’s Club had 2 warmers plus 6 refills for only $8.50. They are out of stock online at Sam’s but check your store!

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* Monistat Chafing Relief Powder Gel

Ok, bear with me on this one. I saw on this on a beauty blog or Pinterest, can’t remember where -- that the Monistat is the exact same thing as the Smashbox Photo Finish Primer (which is more than 3 times the cost!) I tried it and loved it and I asked Shelley what she thought and she loved it enough to even do a post about it so if the queen of beauty says it’s good, you know it’s legit! No joke.

Get ready for a fun week! Many more favorite things to come from some very stylish, incredible ladies every day this week.


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