a few things for friday…

10 February 2011

1. I was going to get on and apologize for not blogging for the past few days, but I have promised myself I’m not going to do that and hope you don’t either. Real life and family come first, and if that means blog posts take a back seat, it’s okay. If there is really nothing to say that day, it’s also okay not to post.
2. I saw this on Rachel’s blog and the MomTog Diaries and Design Mom and last year and loved them, so we did it for class Valentines this year:February 2011 143 1
{take a picture with the fist out, take it on over to picnik and add some stickers and text (under the create tab), have the pictures printed off, punch a hole at the top and bottom of the fist and stick the sucker through.} 

February 2011 149 1

{Wendy made some this year as well, and hers are adorable.}
3. I’m trying out a new comment system. We’ll see how this all goes. I’m going to try to make life easier for you and me by trying to answer most questions in the comments of the posts. So, if you ask me a question about a specific post, look for the answer there and it should be easier to see my responses instead of waiting for weeks for an answer to email. Wahoo!
4. Also, just a reminder that there is a search button to the left over there <------------ somewhere that helps a bunch if you are looking for something.
search button 1
5. We’ve been working on something downstairs:
February 2011 093 1 more on that……later.
Happy Friday, friends!


  1. I'm a little late to this post, but this is GENIUS and I am SO doing this next year! Love it!

  2. I'm going to have to try the picnik tip, I see someone commented that it is on picasa (I think). I'm learning so much new stuff!

  3. Love it! Everyone is going to think I'm so clever! haah!


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