I loved Nester & Melissa’s workshop at the Wednesday Workshops at Blissdom. Here are some things I took away:
Melissa shared a profound quote (from Barbara Cook, I guess?): * “If you’re able to be yourself, you’ll have no competion.” No one else has your experiences, your outlook, your talents, your take on things. Be the best you can be and lift those around you.
* What is the purpose for your blog? How do you want people to feel when they leave your blog?
In my “about” section I say, “320 Sycamore is about bringing out the charm and potential in our homes and families, with a bit of nonsense and good deals scattered here and there. I am a stay at home mom of 5, I'm so NOT a professional, but I love to look at possibilities of what can "become" with limited time and money.”
That hasn’t changed in two and a half years, but they pointed out that it definitely can. Blogs can evolve over time and your focus may shift.
* Don’t portray perfection: say what you regret, your failures, your frustrations with your projects, blog, etc.
I am dealing with some major frustration in the kitchen re-model right now and I was just going to move on and tell you about what *did* work, but why not tell you about it so you don’t make the same dumb mistakes??
* Your pictures are everything~don’t post photos you’re not happy with.
Nice that I don’t have many with the post today, huh? I am so good at following directions :) Look at the big blogs you love. They all have fantastic pictures.
Ask yourself what the reader is getting out of your post…what would a brand new reader take away from this post?
I tend to wander and ramble and I want to be better about focusing on a single topic…
It was a great session with lots to think about.
The major factors keeping me from Blissdom was the time away and the money, so YES, I would love something like that, but I would be so star struck seeing all those bloggers I wouldn't know what to do!
I love the idea of pairing new bloggers with more established ones. I'm a long-time blogger but new to the home blogging scene and seeing lots of pics of blogging friends hanging out at Blissdom can be intimidating.
ReplyDeleteI am new to blogging (only a few months in) and would love to attend one of these conferences in the future. Is it for beginners or just seasoned..how fun to learn from the pros and put some faces with the blog! I would feel a little intimidated not knowing anyone..but up for the challenge!
ReplyDeleteI think that is all a wonderful idea! The money was my problem with Blissdom. Right now we are so dead set of become debt free other then our house (which will happen next month!!! That spending that money wasn't it the works this year. But $100 would be perfect! Plus meeting with established bloggers would be wonderful...So when are you going to plan all this. ;) I would be happy to help if you really wanna make this happen. I live in Chicago so there are lots of places around here to do it.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't able to attend Blissdom. Your idea sounds like so much fun.
I like your idea! I want to come. :)
ReplyDeleteI have to say I LOVE this idea. It would solve pretty much all of the issues I had with Blissdom last year and make it a much more rewarding experience for us home bloggers, I think--and I'm not saying that because you mentioned me in your list of possible workshop leaders! Ha.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is I learned much more from the informal "table talk" with other bloggers at the conference last year than I did from the official sessions. I think we all have a lot we can learn from each other as home bloggers. :-)
I would definitely go to a home bloggers conference! I love your ideas and think it would be a great idea :)
ReplyDeleteOh, yeah. I only blog about houses part of the time, but I pretty much always blog about home. . . so I'd love to be a part of this. What a great group of bloggers to learn from and hang out with! (And yes, I just ended that sentence with a preposition, but that's exactly what I wanted to say!)
ReplyDeleteLove you! :)
Oh, yeah, that sounds fuuuun! I'm with Katie - are you planning this yet?? :)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, no. I wouldn't know where to begin. I know it takes ALOT of work. Just an idea as I had it on my mind on my way home...
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! I would JUMP at the opportunity! Especially if it were reasonably priced!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say I love your blog. It makes me happy! Thanks for taking the time to put all this great information on too! I could never think of all these cool ideas by myself!
ReplyDeleteI concur with Julia completely! We learn more from each other sitting around talking, truly. Many have been discussing this idea, and I think it's brilliant. A series of mini workshops would also be so helpful, perhaps everyone picking a particular strength and sharing with a Q&A after. I would be there!
ReplyDeleteLoved your tips too! Well said!
i would be in DEFINITELY
ReplyDeletewhat a great idea! my only reason for not going to blissdom is the money. i love blogging and meeting new people, but i would feel so bad spending all of that money!
ReplyDeleteMelissa. LOVE your blog. And so appreciate the tips you got from the home workshop.
ReplyDeleteAnd your ideas on conference ... good stuff. The only problem: You'd have to let inspiration bloggers come to your home blog conference. K? ;)
Hi Melissa
ReplyDeleteA conference like the one you described would be fabulous. I have been to BlogHer in NYC - no home bloggers - I didn't learn much there at all. I also have been to The SITs Girls Bloggy Boot Camp which was a day confernce where I learned a lot - but I was the only home blogger there also. I hope someone sees your idea and runs with it - it would be an incredible success.
My best- Diane
I second what Katie said. Chicago is very conference friendly {I am here as well} and with a slew of hotels and O'Hare...it can be done on the cheap.
ReplyDeleteI'd be willing to help out if this daydream became a reality!
I agree with those tips, but I have to say the biggest one for me is "Blog not to impress others, but to impress yourself!" I think that if you try to hard, you set yourself up to be disappointed if you don't get the response you anticipated. But, if you're blogging about things that interest you and make you feel passionate, you'll always get something out of it whether or not it has a big response with an audience.
ReplyDeleteI went through a period where I blogged to please others and I burned out bad. I quit posting for a long time and lost a lot of blog viewers because of it. Now I'm back to blogging for me and feel great about it!
Pair me up with you anytime and I could learn a lot. Great ideas, I would be too nervous that I am too small to go to Blissdom.
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of a conference built around more conversation friendly settings. While loud, crowded parties can be fun, they do not really lend themselves to visiting and learning from each other, which is what most of us really hope to do at a conference I think. While I really enjoyed Blissdom, I did wish for more "table time". Just sitting in more intimate circles, where it is easy and comfortable to visit, and get to really know the people you are with, and learn from them. Those moments were really some of the very most productive times of all for me during my time at Blissdom! As someone above mentioned, I am not a "home blogger", but I do blog about "home", and want to become friends with, and learn from other bloggers.
Love what Melissa had to say! Didn't make it this year, but hope to next.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a perfect plan for conference. I'd go!
ReplyDeleteNester and I were thinking of inviting you all to Hawaii next year. For a conference, of course. And fruity drinks.
LOVE this idea! We've all talked about it, it's just finding someone to coordinate it. Who can we hire??? I find hanging and talking SO much more valuable than sessions, but that's me. Love ya girl!
ReplyDeleteMelissa I think it's a great idea! I say go somewhere that is inexpensive to go to. I'm not a huge fan of Vegas but it's cheap to get there for most anyone. I can't believe I am saying this but should we form a team of people interested in making this happen and divide up jobs?
ReplyDeleteI can see we are all excited about the idea. I would attend for sure. I'm also willing to help if I can. I'm a new blogger and love all the tips.
ReplyDeleteI would totally be there!!!
ReplyDeleteOh your idea of a conference sounds perfect! I would be in for sure. I'd love to take away some tidbits from the "pros"! :)
ReplyDeleteTanya: fantastic tip!
ReplyDeleteChicago girls: I think Chicago would be a perfect place if it wasn't in the winter!! I can't believe the snow you've gotten!
It's good to know there are so many willing to help...maybe this can become a reality.
Oh, this is such a good idea!
ReplyDeleteI love all the ideas you put forth on this post!
ReplyDeleteaffordable?! I'm all about that! Pairing bloggers? great concept!
ReplyDeleteYour blog conference ideas sound amazing. I love it. I am begging Beth to organize one too. :) My sister and I have wanted to do something in Lexington, but it seems like such an overwhelming task. Let's pray about it!!!
My dinner with you was one of the best parts of the conference!
I'm in!
ReplyDeleteGreat idea'r Melissa! :-D
I loved your ideas. I would pay for and attend this kind of conference. Perhaps even doing them regional? 1) I hate to fly and 2) getting away from work that long would be a no go. A weekend or 3 day weekend would be awesome and very doable. You should definitely run with this.
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of veteran and newbie bloggers getting paired up! As a new blogger I'm always trying to learn how to improve my blog and I'd love the face time!