our summer list

23 June 2011

june 2011 002 1

Instead of a quote on the chalkboard for summer, we put our summer list up (because we loved meg’s!)

It’s raining here today, so we’re going to check off 2 and ride the city bus to the library. My kids LOVE the bus. I can’t believe how fast June is going! We’ve got lots to pack in before August 17, and as you can see from our list, lots of quality time in the car… There are blank spots because “sometimes you think of fun things later before first grade or something” (Logan)

What’s on your summer list? Do you think we’re crazy for driving 4,400 miles with 5 kids?? I kind of do.



  1. Sorry... www.starfishliving.blogspot.com

  2. Hope you can leave just before bed time! Sure, you may be tired... but at least the ride will be quiet! :)

    Love your blog, you are such an inspiration to me!

  3. Hope you can leave just before bed time! Sure, you may be tired... but at least the ride will be quiet! :)

    Love your blog, you are such an inspiration to me!

  4. Hi there,
      Just wanted to let you know that I linked to your site under my 2011 Summer List :)

  5. Aww that's so great! I hope you all get to spend some special family time together like you plan :)

    xo katie elizabeth



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