quick & easy job chart

03 January 2012

Well, of course it snowed.

Because Christmas is over, and it would make too much sense to snow before Christmas??

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I’m a little bitter today…because it’s BITTER cold outside, I’m still trying to get Christmas down, my new years resolutions aren’t going so hot, and we started on the upstairs’ bathrooms over the break and they are just sitting waiting for me to finish peeling the wallpaper borders.
Blasted projects~who thought they were a good idea anyway?
But this little profile?? How can you be bitter when you see that?
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Kids were fighting about whose turn it was to set what on the table last night and I yelled, “enough!”

and right then and there made the kind of chore chart my mom had when we were young with the little wheel.

Except ours was yellow and red back then.

Before dinner and then after dinner jobs. For the whole month, then we turn the wheel. Anyone complaining will have to….to…..well I’ll think of something really BAD. Like fishing pieces of plastic fork out of the disposal when there’s slimy noodles and vegetables in there.

Easy as pie (get it?):

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Print off a pie chart onto cardstock: here is a blank one I uploaded.

Write jobs in fun markers.

Take another piece of paper and write names on outside paper around the wheel.

put a brad through the middle. This was a cute one I had left over from my scrapbooking days, but I’m sure your kids have an art project from school you could snag one from?

And that’s it. I laminated mine (I have this laminator from Amazon’s gold box deals a few years back), but of course you don’t have to.


Go get ‘em.

I’m going to go release myself from bitter bondage~

signature x


  1. Hahahaha!  That post made me smile and I know I can relate! What a great idea - I've never seen that before.  I love it!!!  I think you're the greatest!!

  2. Bahahahahaha!!! The smiley face with the"X" on it LITERALLY made me laugh out loud. Oh, those days happen TOO often at our house as well! Thanks for always keeping it real and being you! What an inspiration you are to all of us. This is a GREAT idea to have the kiddos do. Appreciate you sharing {even though you are having a bitter day} Tomorrow will be better. Chin up sister! :)
    ~Amanda ;)

  3. What a great idea!! I so need to make one of these!! btw, I'm bitter too...its freezing and snowy now, but for Christmas it was 40 degrees and brown...:( We just moved to Minneapolis from Florida, and I sure as heck didn't come to Minnesota for a brown Christmas!

  4. Thanks for the laugh!  I remember those days.  It turned really cold here as well, but no snow.  Kinda glad since it was the younger ones first day back to school after the break.  Love the chore chart, so easy.

  5. Christina Monclova1/7/14, 10:55 PM

    I love this!! 

  6. I've been bitter about my New Year's resolutions today too.  Mostly the dieting one because I know I need it, but I hate dieting....  And it is so cold.  But I like your job chart.  We have a similar one, only I think I should revamp it because the only job I actually enforce on it is setting the table.  My kids like to wash dishes, but it seems to turn into a water disaster...

  7. LOL! I know how you feel. Tomorrow is another day. To help with your plight, I will gladly take your snow. You have to keep the bitter cold though. :)

  8. Love this post!  It made me laugh because I can sooo relate. :)  We had a job wheel like this when I was in college for dish duty--it worked great!

  9. What a simple and easy idea! I'll keep this in mind when my little guy is older.

  10. melissa*320 sycamore1/7/14, 10:55 PM

    Hi Lauren! Mine were supposed to be back today, but there was a 2 hour delay and it really threw everything off. I really need to be more f-l-e-x-i-b-l-e!!

  11. melissa*320 sycamore1/7/14, 10:55 PM

    see, if I was smart, I would have put Saturday jobs on there too! I like your mom.

  12. melissa*320 sycamore1/7/14, 10:55 PM

    Thanks, Amanda. I need to put that on a big old sign: chin up! What was that about attitude I posted on Sunday?? :)

  13. melissa*320 sycamore1/7/14, 10:55 PM

    Down with diets!
    It's fun to switch things up in the chore dept once in awhile..
    My kids loathe loading the dishwasher, but we don't wash too many dishes by hand, so not too much water involved.

  14. melissa*320 sycamore1/7/14, 10:55 PM

    thanks, dear Richella. I always look forward to routine after fun & crazy breaks, I was thrown today with the snow delay...but tomorrow is another day, RIGHT??

  15. Lol you scratched out the smiley face. Too funny!

  16. Hahaha. Cute post. The last 2 days were not so great here either. I love your chart! Good job on that project! ;)

  17. melissa*320 sycamore1/7/14, 10:55 PM

    I'll take whatever I can get! Totally counts as a project. I may even put it under big makeovers....or my home tour! :)

  18. Becky@OrganizingMadeFun1/7/14, 10:55 PM

    I can hardly imagine having snow! It was 85 degrees here in So. Cal. today! Ironically it's pretty typical for January to have a couple warm weeks in January....love your chore chart! Very clever!

    Becky B.
    Organizing Made Fun

  19. Just how I felt two days ago...and then everyone went back to school and work and AHHHHH.  Those red cheeks are so cute, and I just LOVE that pie chart.  

  20. This is exactly the same kind of chore chart we had when I was a kid!  I haven't ever made one since I only have three kids...but maybe I could just repeat their names or something like that.  Thanks for the reminder!

  21. melissa*320 sycamore1/7/14, 10:56 PM

    you could totally make a chart with three pie pieces. Just freehand it~you can do it. :)

  22. I like how you "x'd" out your smiley face in your signataure.  Emphasizing the bitter;) Cute and simple job chart!

  23. Love it!  We had a job wheel too when we were growing up.  My mom also added a "Saturday" job on the wheel along with the daily dish jobs.  So if you cleared the table on Saturday, you had to vacuum the stairs, or if you were the table setter, you had to clean the guest bathroom on Saturday.  It kept the peace and taught us all a lot of housekeeping skills.  Hope you have a better day tomorrow!

  24. Great tips everybody. Thanks! I even have a giant colorful sign on my schoolroom that claims 'If not Pine Tree State, who? If not currently, when?'. I refer the kids to the current whenever there's a large number to scrub up, or employment to be done. job chartIt's nice to listen to them say it to themselves typically, as they devour a born pencil or one thing (that wasn't even theirs...wow!). I additionally love the method you visit your students as 'friends'. may strive it....


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