courage for the week 4.29.12

28 April 2012

do I like them


  1. What a great quote! I just found your blog and LOVE it!!!
    Thanks for being so great!
    Have a wonderful day!!!


  2. Love this Melissa.  I think we all hit the age where this happens.  At least I hope we do.  Have a great week!

  3. Love that quote!  Approaching 40, lost my mom last summer:  I am a different woman now!   I just started my new blog, and am trying to do more to take care of ME!   If I don't like me, no one else will either!

  4. Just love this! May I post this on my blog and cite your blog??

  5. I need to print this out! It is perfect. When I was young, I always worried about what everyone thought and felt about me. Now that I am 47, and still a kind person with a loving heart, I just don't feel the desperate need to be loved by people that just really don't matter in the grand scheme of life. It is soooo liberating!

  6. I feel this too.  At the age of 50-something life is too short to spend with people who don't have the same values. 

  7. Lynn Wallrath1/16/14, 10:28 PM

    Perfection! this one gets printed and added to my *things that inspire me* book. (the old fashioned Pinterest!)

  8. Love this comment!  I have to share this!

  9. Great quote! Getting older sure has changed how I view the world. I suppose it has changed how the world views me too.....


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