You pin a bunch of things on Pinterest, some work…some don’t. Here are some pins that have been little gold gems for me that I wanted to share with you!
(click on the links below to go to the actual pin, and then click on the picture to go to the actual website)
* re-grow your own green onions: I was shocked at how fast they grew back! I’m not growing them at the moment, but I had them all summer in a jar behind my sink. Remember to change the water!
*this has worked great as a fabric softener. I don’t soak it, I just kind of pour it on the washcloth and let it dry. It lasts me a good month.
*this stain remover is amazing~I don’t buy it at the store anymore! I’ve used it on my carpet~it got 3 year old stains out, on ring around the collar, underarm stains, spaghetti sauce, blueberries, you name it. Here, I sprayed it on some tough spots in my linoleum where it has the little grooves, let it sit for a couple of minutes, and it came right up with a scrub brush.
I had it pinned twice here and here, but it’s basically the same recipe. I love how Brooke used it in her car too!
* I use this to clean my tubs and showers now~no more comet! I use baking soda if I need some extra scrubbing power in the tub.
*Using rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle was life changing for our nasty brown microfiber couches downstairs! of course, it always looks worse with a flash to accentuate the nastiness, but you know I love me a good before and after it really worked wonders on them. My 5 year old said, we got new couches!! :)
And some recipes!! Here are a few that we’ve loved:
Easy Pad Thai is in my permanent recipe book now. My whole family LOVED it and I love finding good meatless recipes. I double the sauce and use fettucine noodles.
Easy 1 hour rolls~I was shocked at how good they are for 1 hour?? Definitely a keeper.
Tomato Basil Parmesan Soup. Soooo good, but I have to tell you my kids did not like it. My husband and I devoured it and it tasted even better the next day.
Okay, that’s all for now. I want to make this a regular feature, more to come!! I would love to hear your favorite pins that have been life changing~let us know in the comments ~I love to follow people on Pinterest with awesome pins ;)
Hey Melissa! I started a blog about a month ago where I share just such things! I love Pinterest and I realized one day that pretty much every meal I cook, craft and home improvement project that I do is from there, so I use it to feature my (and others') "Pinterest Success Stories". It's so fun!
ReplyDeleteBy the way-I love your new blog look!
Hey sweet friend!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, let me say your blog looks wonderful! Of course, I've thought it looked wonderful every time you've designed it. I pretty much like everything you do!
I think this will be a great new feature! I've only gotten active on Pinterest recently, and I'm still learning how to use it. You can bet that I've already re-pinned several of these pins, though! Thank you for sharing them!
Thank you for letting me know! I just fixed the link on the pin, here it is:
ReplyDeleteAnd now I want some...
Would you be able to post the recipe for Tomato Basil Parmesan Soup, or a different link to it? The link above goes to the Pinterest page, but then does not take you to the actual recipe page. (It says the page does not exist.) Sounds yummy and would love to try! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI just used the stain remover on my car- stains that have been there for...well, quite some time and of unknown origin. Anyway- GONE. Amazing! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI love the marshmallow caramel popcorn, too! A couple of my fave pins are: using a cookie cutter on a cake filled with sprinkles in the shape of the person's bday (a "3" for a little one turning 3), collecting a rock from each significant place we visit and writing on it the date + a short memory, and everything on my "Recipes--Tried and True" pinboard! Thanks for your great blog!
ReplyDeleteI have a board just for the pins that I've tried & my opinions on how they have turned out : You might find some good stuff there!
ReplyDeleteCara, will you give us the link for your tried and true pinboard? I'd love to see it :)
ReplyDeleteYou got a new design! Love it! Thanks for all the helpful pins. :)
ReplyDeleteThat pad thai recipe is on heavy rotation at our house, too. LOVE IT.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post! I love knowing what really works on pinterest!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to try the shower cleaner...called my husband and told him to grab a bottle of BLUE Dawn on his way home!! So excited! Love the new look!
ReplyDeleteThank you!! I appreciate tips that have been tested and approved! Love your blog!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the new pins to try!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to be drying the rubbing alcohol. I need all the help I can get!