I got one of the best meal planning tips from this old book my Mom gave me that she had when she was a young mom.
It is to know what’s for dinner by 10.
10 p.m. the night before if you are working outside the home, and 10 a.m. if you are at home. It gives enough time to turn on the crock pot, take meat out to thaw, start the rice cooker, or know what you need to grab at the store. It’s amazing what a simple thing like knowing what’s for dinner can make in the day! I try to make a general meal plan for the week on Sunday, but it’s flexible because sometimes you don’t feel like spaghetti on Wednesday, but everyone is always in the mood for pizza on Friday. Tonight it’s Yoshida chicken: we just get the Yoshida sauce in big bottles at Costco (or look for it at Sam’s or the grocery store, it’s really expensive on Amazon!), cover chicken in the crock pot with the sauce and let it cook on low all day. Serve it over rice with vegetables on the side.
I feel like I’ve been in a bit of a recipe rut lately~have you come across any good family-friendly recipes lately? We would love to hear them, or leave a link in the comments or on Facebook!
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