* unpasted wallpaper
* new, sharp razor blade
* level
* wallpaper paste
* foam roller
* large surface to spread out on with a covering
* measuring tape/stick
* wallpaper smoothing tool (see below)
* a clean wall with nails removed, and a (mostly) smooth surface
I used our dining room table covered with an old sheet: First measure how much you’ll need from top to bottom, adding 3 to 4 extra inches for error and trimming. Make a straight line with a level and cut.
Dip your foam roller in the paste and apply it to the back.
You don’t want it dripping wet, but it should be thoroughly covered. Be sure to get the edges well! Let it sit for 5-7 minutes (follow manufacturer instrutions) carefully fold over so glued side is touching the other glued side and carry it to the room you are wallpapering. If you are using prepasted, you just have to get it wet and it sit to activate.
This little $3 plastic tool was a lifesaver -- great for smoothing all over and for working the wallpaper into the edges.
Basically, you just line up the wallpaper at the top (make SURE that the top of the wall is a straight line. If you line it up at the top and it’s not straight it will give you major headaches. If you find it’s not straight, draw your own straight line with a level as close to the top as you can and line the paper up with that. You have some time to maneuver and move the wallpaper -- it takes a while to dry. Get it lined up just right and then smooth it all the way down with your handy tool.
For your second piece, line up the pattern so it continues (you’ll have extra on top) My directions said not to overlap but I did just a tiny bit.
You’ll have extra on the top and bottom (and on the corner on your last piece)--
use a new, sharp razor blade to make a crisp, clean cut. I used the handy wallpaper tool to smooth it to the edge and then held it along the edge and cut against it. I didn’t get a picture of me actually cutting it but here’s the idea:
I found that some of my edges needed a little extra glue, so I just used my finger to help with that and then smoothed it down. Then I made sure that the edges got extra glue on the next panel.
It’s really not hard, just takes some time. I would say the 2 walls in the bathroom took about 4 hours total? I would choose it over stenciling in a heartbeat! I hope this helped -- happy wallpapering!

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