It’s been such a fun Favorite Things Week, if you’ve missed any, you can click here.
Here are some of my favorites from 2016:
* Dobby Terry Kitchen Towels at Target $3.50, they come in a lot of colors and are absorbent + cute.
* Contigo Auto-Spout Water Bottle – I love the pop up spout, dishwasher safe, doesn’t spill!
* Yo-Yo Ma plays Ennio Morricone – this is a *gorgeous* album, it includes the Mission and lots more.
* Capri Blue Volcano Candle – my friend Jaimi got me hooked on this amazing scent. These are the same as the ones at Anthropologie– they smell so so good.
* Persil Pro Clean – this whitens SO well! It’s expensive, but I only use it on whites so it last a couple of months. This is what I do with my front loaders when I wash whites: Select “add prewash”, put my regular Tide powder in main wash compartment, then add oxy clean to the pre-wash compartment and then add Persil to both.
* another favorite song: Savior Redeemer of My Soul by Jenny Oaks & Dallyn Bayles. I could listen to it again and again. From the album Prayer.
* Peter Pan Simply Ground in Honey Roast. YUM! Super fine crunch, the right amount of sweetness, no stir, no preservaties. I can only find it at Smith’s around here (Kroger)
* OXO wooden spoons – perfect & practical to hang for display or to actually use them to cook :-)
* hands free head set –- I use this all of the time! Around the house when I am talking on the phone and our van is old fashioned and doesn’t have bluetooth so this is perfect for driving too. I’ve had others that keep falling off, so I like the full headset.
* pajama pants. I’m a sucker for red & white & polka dots ♥
* Pro Case Hanging Toiletry Bag – I love the compartments and all that this holds! Now you can link up your favorite things from 2016!
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