Here are some fall decorations from my house. I love to see what other people do – it inspires me or makes me think of ways to display things in a way I hadn’t thought of. So here you go:
Mantel above cooktop: pitcher is from Hearth & Hand, wheat is leftover from this project, pumpkins are over 10 years old from Smith & Hawken line, cutting boards mostly from TJ Maxx, platter is from BH&G at Walmart years ago, little pitcher from Magnolia Outlet in Waco (more on that later!!), greenery from IKEA.
Little area between kitchen and family room: clock is like 15 years old from Target, candlesticks from Magnolia outlet in Waco, candles from Costco, plants from local nursery, pic frame from TJ Maxx, beads from Hobby Lobby, metal basket from Magnolia.
Built-ins: almost everything is the same, I don’t think there is anything new except the 90% off tray on the bottom from Hearth & Hand line.
While we were at Magnolia I was inspired by some of their products that had a simple piece of leather on them, so when we were at the mall and Gap had some great belts on clearance so I snagged one to use.
I just put it on a simple IKEA vase with a hard to kill succulent inside.
Here is the other side: The fiddle leaf fig is doing awesome! Let’s see how we do through the winter.
And just by the kitchen door – I think the only thing they still sell is the basket at Target. The silhouette tutorial is here.
and on the way to the mudroom – shelf from Target. Everything in the shelves are from yard sales and gifts, the towel is World Market.
I keep this decor up through Thanksgiving – my fun, spooky stuff is out on the front porch, I’ll share that later! Here is last years, it’s fun to see how it changes. Thanks for coming by~
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