projects schmojects

25 May 2008

Holy projects, Batman! My husband has had the past 2 1/2 weeks off of school and we have been trying to tackle projects outside and around the house. Some of his buddies also had a fence and a floor to install, so they went from house to house helping each other. Here they are working on our fence!

getting a little tired of working together...

Faustin and Jacob shoveling the concrete for the posts. I think they really want a tornado to come, because they are just sure that the house may go, but that fence is not going anywhere.
Some other ones that we're finishing up~I'll post pictures as we complete them. I think he will be glad to get back to school on Tuesday to escape the projects! I kind of get tired even typing it~we'll be so glad when they're done! We're trying to get them finished so we can enjoy summer~the first day of summer and my oldest daughter's baptism is June 21 and , so that's our goal! We have also done our part to stimulate the economy with our rebate check :)
*installing a new front door and storm door
*tearing out old sod, leveling off the yard, and planting new grass seed.
*building a wood playcenter for the backyard
*putting up a shed
*planting our garden
*the main bathroom renovation
The beginning stages of the playcenter:

tearing out old sod on the side of our house


  1. We can't wait to see all of the finished projects when we get there!

  2. Wowzers!!! I bet he can't wait to get back into school! Your house is going to be sooo FAB when you are all done!!! Wish I could come and see it!!!

  3. HOLY CROW! (heehee) You all are just motivated people! Way to go Hyrum for being quite the "Handy man"! I'm anxious as always to see the final results of all your hard work!

  4. Way to go - you guys are going to have the nicest looking house in Texas! :) I want to come see everything so bad!! No luck on any $50 plane tickets?? Good job on everything, though, and way to go Hyrum. How nice it is to have a husband who knows how to do all of that stuff.

  5. Looks like so much fun!:) I wish I could talk Michael into a swing set, he doesn't think our yard is level enough...Really I am so impressed with everything you've done! I show everyone that comes over your before & after and they too are always impressed!

  6. Okay, how much longer are we going to have to wait to see the bathrooms?! I am waiting to see the paint color before I decide mine!! Hurry would ya?!?:)


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