basement update + gardening deals

18 March 2010

The basement is coming along…framing is done, right now they are working on electrical, plumbing, and heat. Wahoo!
march 2010 025 march 2010 023

march 2010 024 I also wanted to give you a heads up: Home Depot started their Black Friday in March today and they have some great deals if you’re itching to get outside and plant! Spring is officially here this weekend, thank goodness. I love seeing signs everywhere that winter is coming to a close:march 2010 028 Here are some garden deals in my area (Virginia)~check your area.
* 6 pack annuals are B1G1 = .89 each
* 2 cu. ft bag of mulch are B1G1 = $1.15 each
* All seed packets are B1G1 free
* 4" ground covers are $1.50 each
* Quart perennials are $2.50 each
* Garden tools are .99 each
*Garden gloves are $1.00
*Scotts Moisture Advantage Potting Soil is $6.97 for 2 cu.ft
These are while supplies last (I would go sooner than later) and are crazy good prices…have fun in the dirt! (No affiliation with anything…just passing along a good deal)