When you want to look at your starred items, just click on the starred items in the left hand column and it will show all of your starred posts.
Now, if you have a million starred posts like me, but want to find out what primer Chris used and you know you starred it a few months ago, you can type “primer” in the search box and search your starred items. So much easier to find things...
The search feature in google reader is also your friend even if you don’t star. If I want a tutorial on board and batten, I can just type it in and find who has done one in my reader rather than searching the whole internet.
I love the star! I also use it in my Gmail. If there is an email I need to respond to or a coupon I want to save, I click on the star next to the email, and it fills it in and saves it for me.
Then, when I have a few spare minutes (ha!) I can click on the starred button, and all of my emails that I have starred are right there that need my attention.
Then, I can just click on the star again to un-star it when I have attended to it.
You probably already use the star, but if not, I wanted to share the goodness with you…Happy Thursday!
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