shower gift for my sister

12 August 2010

My baby sister Kerri is getting married and since my whole family was able to get together in Montana, my sisters and I decided to throw a bridal shower.
155 1 L-R back row: sil Kristine, me, Kerri, Kelsey, my mom,
front: sil Courtney, Kristin holding Mckenna, and sil Natalie (hostess!)

For each of my sisters, I have given a recipe book of our family recipes we’ve collected through the years.
I just get a heavy duty binder with a clear cover so a piece of scrapbook paper can be inserted.
july 2010 035 1  I’ve typed the recipes (I started back in 1999 and just keep adding) in categories and separated them with tabs
july 2010 033 1
I like to get the tabs with pockets so they can add their own recipes as they collect them. july 2010 028 1 and this binder had a nifty folder at the front that would be perfect for more recipes as well.july 2010 034 1 It takes a long time to cut and paste and type recipes, but once it’s done you can print one off for yourself and they make fantastic gifts.
Do you recognize the dollar store frame??

We just gave them quick makeovers and gave them to the winners of bridal Family Feud :)
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Happy Thursday!


  1. wow, what a gorgeous family you have! and such a great gift idea! my mom gave me a book of her recipes the christmas after i got married and i use it to this day! (it's been 7 yrs).

  2. What a great idea! Montana, don't hear many folks from Montana, my sister actually lived in Mile City. Love your folks home.

  3. Beautiful family!! I love the recipe book idea. I wish I started five years ago when all of our friends were getting married. I think I've been to 25 weddings in the past five years. :O

  4. What a great gift! She will definitely treasure it! Beautiful family of women!! You all look like you could be related and not by marriage!!

  5. the family recipe book is fantastic. someone did this for me when i got married and i have always treasured it!!!

  6. I still use my recipe book you gave me at my bridal shower in '97! (It is lovingly stained with food splatters:) Looks like you're having a wonderful reunion! Love you.

  7. What a fun time that must have been. I love it when the whole family gets together. I love the idea of the recipe book. The frame turned out darling too.

  8. All seven kids and their families were there? That must have been SO MUCH FUN!

    I love your idea of a recipe book gift. Before I got married, my darling aunt copied out a number of her favorite recipes onto recipe cards and gave them to me along with a recipe card box. I still use that same recipe box today--and some of her recipes have been my go-to recipes for 25 years now! A recipe binder would be wonderful!

    So, of all those recipes--is there one that really stands out?

  9. We just had our 3rd annual immediate family reunion in June. And amazingly everyone was there (with 9 siblings, that's a BIG deal)! Even David made it for the first time. It was SO much fun. I bet you guys had blast too!

    I love the recipe idea. I definitely need to do this for myself . . . then I can work on doing it for others :)

    P.S. Your family is gorgeous!

  10. Love the binder idea! :) I hope the girls appreciate how much time it must have taken to type all that out. ;)

  11. love this idea! what a pretty group of girls! i am almost positive that i lived beside your sister (?) Kristin in the dorms at byu idaho our first year. she was the cutest! and so sweet. i know she was from missoula montana and as soon as i saw the picture i recognized her and then when i saw the name i was like that has to be her! random, i know. but such a small world! next time you see her tell her hilary says hi :) haha

  12. What a lovely family! Love the recipe binder idea! That's very special and something to be treasured a lifetime. Congratulations to Kerri!

  13. That is such a great idea. I have a folder in which I keep my favourite recipes but it doesn't look like yours at all. Mine has pages falling out and splashes on it... Time for a freshen up, I think. xx


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