license plates round 8

11 December 2010

We got 2 Tennessee plates!! Karla was so kind to send us this one:
december 2010 069 1 
and Brenda from Chattanooga sent us this onedecember 2010 070 1
oh, and that’s not all. She sent me 5 Chattanooga choo-choo train whistles for my kids. They *love* them and I love them when they blow them down in the basement :) Thank you so much, Brenda!december 2010 074 1

Thank you to another Brenda, our neighbor to the west!december 2010 071 1

Ingrid lives in Texas now, and she was so thoughtful to send us her old Nevada plate: december 2010 072 1

A big thank you to Shannon Adamz, who rescued this North Dakota from under her sink behind the garbage can :)december 2010 073 1

Karen and I share the same unique last name and we have Washington now~wahoo!december 2010 083 1
A big hug to all of you for these plates…we are soooo close! These are the ones we still need…here are the people that said they had them. Only 1 lonely state left! :)
Georgia (jessalyn)
Kentucky (lacey williams)
Louisiana (julie chreste)
Maine  (lori/cliffs backyard)
New Jersey (mallory sharp)
Rhode Island


  1. I have Arkansas and Maryland plates if you need them. email:

  2. No Maine yet!?!??!? ok......I need to find you one. send your address to

  3. How fun! You are almost there!

  4. Can you believe you almost have them all?? Can't wait to see the wall when you get them all!

  5. I think I have a Massachusetts plate....I'll check !! Do you have an email that I should respond too ??

    Thanks !~ Kristyn

  6. Living in NH (I sent you a NH plate already) I have friends & family in Maine, Massachusetts and RI. Just posted on facebook that I'm looking for these plates so I hope to have something soon!

  7. Oohhhhhh I'm so excited to find your blog! Your blog, your home & your family are just precious! Can't wait to dig in deeper! :)

  8. Speaking as a Chattanooga girl: awesome little stocking stuffer!


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