courage for the week 1.16.11

15 January 2011




  1. Melissa,
    I've always loved this talk, but this weekend in particular, I think I really needed to be reminded of it. I've been struggling lately trying to balance the desire to create things for my home or to share on my blog and the need to give time to my children, husband, friends, church callings, errands...just life! It's hard. I've almost been thinking that I need to just give up the creative side and just be what other people need me to be right now. But I don't think that's the answer at all. I still need to create, I want to create so badly. But it's important me to find balance in it all. At this time in my life if all I have time for is to create one thing a week, I'm still creating and I'm still giving time to other things that life requires too. So sorry for the rambling, but thank you so much for posting this. It's exactly what I've been needing to be reminded of.

  2. Love, love, love this! President Uchtdorf always has a way with saying what I need to hear.

    Seeing all of your organizing posts, do you have a good way to organize fabric? Mine always ends up shoved in a box and I can never find what I need. :/

  3. I too need to thank you for posting this! I now have a wonderful start to my week!!!!

  4. I found your blog while blog hopping tonight and looking for something to inspire me. This has certainly done that. Thanks for sharing this with people. I feel like this is the "permission" I needed to focus more on me.

  5. I'm not Mormon. I'm not even one who participates in organized religion. But this morning, at this very moment, I needed to hear this. Thank you.

  6. This is quite a coincidence. I just, in the last hour, reminded my R.S. counselor of this talk, then I clicked on your blog and here it was!

  7. Kylie~nope. I wish! Mine is just stuffed into what else? A rubbermaid bin. :)


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