how to grow wheat grass for easter * spring

12 March 2012

Sprouting wheat grass is super easy. Promise. It has to be easy, or I wouldn’t do it again.
wheat grass 320 Sycamore
1. Gather some wheat kernels (I used hard red wheat) or go to your local health food store and tell them you want to sprout wheat grass and they should point you in the right direction.
Soak them in water overnight, or until you see sprouts starting to pop through.
march 2011 015 1

2. Sprinkle over soil in containers and lightly kind of mix it in, but you don’t want them covered with dirt. Spray water daily to keep moist. Mine was pretty sparse last year, so I layed it on thick this time and was much happier with the results.
3. Watch it grow!! Mine has been growing for 2 weeks and I’ve already given 2 haircuts.
These are tins from Target Dollar Spot:
march 2011 028 1 
4. If it starts looking limp, water.
An easter basket in the kitchen for spring:march 2011 030 1
5. Cut it with scissors if you want to. It smells so good when it is being cut! Just like a freshly mowed lawn in the summer…
Some wild and unruly grass on top of the piano:march 2011 032 1march 2011 036 1
I’ve found it’s just about perfect if I start growing the grass 2 weeks before easter~it would be cute for the Easter table to tuck some eggs inside. Here is an update of how mine looked over 2 weeks:
wheat grass 2 weeks 
I’ve also seen it recently in stores with the seeds:
cat grass seeds
Happy grass growin’!


  1. It's growing! Thanks so much for the great tutorial!

  2. Hi Melissa, this is a great idea- I love it. I have just a couple questions. How many ounces of the wheat kernels would I need to grow grass in a few small containers? Also how long will the grass live? Thanks!!

  3. melissa*320 sycamore1/7/14, 10:52 PM

    I am not sure on the ounces~just a handful is enough to cover the dirt on the top of a small bucket. The grass will live for a long time, but it starts to kind of yellow and crowd out of the containers after 2-3 weeks. Then, you can use the wheat grass for a healthy smoothie and start again :)

  4. Did you fill your containers full of soil?

  5. melissa*320 sycamore1/8/14, 1:54 PM

    Yes~you can do a filler on the bottom though with some soil on top.

  6. Do you know what the brand name is of the wheat you purchased? I've looked it up online and there are so many options. Thanks :)

  7. Idea about number tag on bucket is really unique!

  8. mountainviewfarm1/8/14, 2:58 PM

    I need to grow some of this. It looks so pretty placed around the house. Thanks for sharing.
    Pieced Pastimes

  9. I love this.  I even have the perfect metal planter boxes to use.  Now I just need to find where I can buy wheat locally.  

  10. melissa*320 sycamore1/16/14, 10:46 PM

    No, it was from a seattle shop 3 years ago, but here is a DIY on a similar one!

  11. Kristen@fit2feelbetter1/16/14, 10:49 PM

    I can't wait to try this.  I've been thinking of it since last year!  Thanks for the reminder and instructions.

  12. I'm a new visitor to your blog and I absolutely LOVE that egg wreath. One of the prettiest I've ever seen. Any vendor or DIY info on it?

  13. It's also great if you have cats.  This is a nice, natural treat for them!

  14. I did this last year and we got tons of gnats in our house because of it! There were also lots of them on the soil. Any tips?

  15. seriouslyahomemaker1/16/14, 11:02 PM

    awesome, melissa! i've always wanted to do this! thanks for the instructions and the reminder!

  16. I love this idea.  And nothing beats the smell of fresh cut grass in my opinion!!

  17. melissa*320 sycamore1/17/14, 8:34 AM

    Hmm, we haven't had that problem. it maybe?


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