courage for the week 5.20.12

19 May 2012

god is awake


  1. I love your courage for the week posts.  I never comment on them though.  This one, however, spoke to me personally.  My husband just up and quit his job on Friday.  I do not know what will happen for our family.  He did this last year, too, and it took 4 1/2 months to get a new job.  I worked a massive amount of overtime and we borrowed money from his quadaplegic father.  We also had some savings.  We made it but barely.  This year, it's different.  My mother in law just lost her job when the bank she worked at downsized.  They gave her a pension plan but going to them for help this time is not going to happen.  I will work overtime again but we have no savings.  I don't know what we'll do.  I don't know if this qualifies as a big thing or little thing.  In my head, it's big, but in the grand scheme off things, I guess it's not as bad as it could be.  My prayers have been frequent and huge.  God IS awake because I slept fairly well last night in the midst of a heavy heart and mind.  Thank you for sharing these.  You just never know who is listening. - Karen

  2. Willowbird...what a strong woman you are.  I know God is watching over you.  Your faith is amazing.  My prayers are with you.

  3. Thank you for this quote.  We're getting ready to go through a move across country, and I haven't been sleeping well lately as a result of all the stress involved with trying to sell a house in an area that was hit hard by the housing bubble bursting in addition to the ordinary stressors of getting the house sale-ready.  This is a good reminder that God neither slumbers nor sleeps (Psalm 121:4).  It is His will for us to move; therefore, He will care for our family.  It's not my job to worry.

  4. melissa*320 sycamore1/16/14, 10:31 PM

    Karen, I am so sorry. It *is* a big thing right now, but I know you can make it through as you continue to turn to Him. Big, huge hugs to you~it will all work out.

  5. I have never seen that before- Love it.. I was also taught as a little girl, that you do your
    best, and when you go to bed- No worrying- just let God take care of it and sleep well.
    It's truly amazing what a rested body & mind can do- but most importantly what Trusting
    in Jesus can do for our Peace of Mind.

  6. Thank you for that.  A friend posted that quote to my FB wall the week I lost my friend of 20 years (I'm her daughter's godmother) and, a few days, later, my dog.

  7. I've always loved this quote.  Mimi

  8. Love this!  It is so comforting to know that God is ALWAYS watching over us, and He will provide.

  9. Johannac Valenzuela1/16/14, 10:32 PM

    Love this.

  10. Karin Olson Held1/16/14, 10:32 PM

    I've never seen this quotation before, and I love it. I needed this. God is awake. It's a grown-up bedtime prayer.

  11. Just read this courage for the week entry and I love it. Looking forward for more in the next few days. :)

  12. I think this is my favorite "courage for the week" thus far.... I sometimes wonder during struggles--"Why this? why now?" (probably like most people) but I take solace in the fact that God does have a plan for me... even if I don't understand it fully yet. So yeah... thinking that God never sleeps made a lot of sense for me today. Thanks. :)


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