tip no. 7

08 November 2012

tip no. 7

Do you ever come across little things that look like they could belong to SOMETHING? Toss them in a pretty dish and next time you are wondering where the part to the camera tripod is, or why the dishwasher basket isn’t staying in place, or where in the world is the plastic thing-y that controls the elastic on Logan’s fleece pullover, you will know just where to look.

random parts dish


  1. m @ random musings1/17/14, 9:29 AM

    This is a brilliant idea (but not one I'd encourage for my Mom - she tries to save me used nails and screws!)

  2. That is a seriously brilliant, and cute, idea! I am always running across those silly little doodads and never knowing what the heck they are.. Generally I toss them, and regret it later because I find whatever it belonged to haha!

  3. Love this!!  Apt living overseas with 4 kids ages 17 months-13 means we have doo-dads EVERYWHERE!!  

  4. I have more than ONE of those pretty little places to put things!

  5. Oh my gosh, I love this idea! I just always throw them out. :) whoops

  6. I have a shoebox in my linen cloet. It is our "Lost and Found" shoebox for all those things you mention. 


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