Arggghh! I have debated back and forth and then back and forth again whether to write this or not. Do they really want to read about how I began my blog? But, I’m looking at it like a little journal, because it’s been 5 years since I began this blog and my memory is fading, so I want to always remember how I started, where I came from, how it all began. So I’m going with it, will you please bear with me? It will be every Thursday as part of my every day September.
We moved to Lubbock, Texas in the late summer of 2007. My husband was going back to school to get his PhD, we had 4 kids and we bought the ugliest house ever, but we could afford it (I ♥ Texas housing prices) and I had big dreams for it. It had not had one update since the late 70’s when it was built, but they were giving a $15,000 cash allowance (that sounded like SO much) with the purchase, so we dove in.
and began painting the very first day with Crisp Khaki (look at that carpet! and look how little they were…)
While my husband was working hard at the PhD and his job, I tackled peeling wallpaper and painting the entryway for my first project and he helped lay the flooring at night after the kids were in bed. I just marched into Home Depot, asked what the best paint was for the price, it needed to be washable, and what was a good white that the interior designers used? He mixed up some shade of white and that’s what we used for the trim and doors for the whole house. I did one of those fancy faux painting techniques that some of my friends had done in their homes back in Idaho. I got a paper towel and a some glaze and tried to figure it out on a scrap piece of drywall.
I was amazed at what a difference some paint and install yourself laminate-over the old tile could make. I was hooked with the whole make-something-beautiful-out-of-something-ugly idea.
A few months earlier, I had been emailing cute pictures of my kids and updates to my family and close friends and one day I got an email back from my brother Nicholas that said, “why don’t you start a blog? Then we can look at the pictures when we want to.” A nice way of saying, “I’m sick of your darn projects and kids clogging up my inbox.” :)
I didn’t even know what a blog was, but I googled it, found blogspot, and decided to start one when we moved to Texas so could share to my heart’s content and let our family know what we were up to. And so, my blogging began as I shared my first project in between pictures of the pumpkin patch and Halloween. I simply called my blog “It’s a Wonderful Life.”
Because it was my favorite movie.
And life was wonderful.
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