hanging storage in the garage

08 October 2014

Day 8 -- we’ve made it a whole week together posting every day! :) You can see all previous 31 day posts here.

The number one tip for garage storage I say is to use vertical space -- use the walls! Here is another wall in the garage we tackled.

Tip: the more items are separated and hung, the easier they are to find (and put away!). Bonus for not finishing the garage? You can see exactly where the studs are. The yard tool hooks are at any hardware/home improvement store and are less than $1 each. They screw right into the studs, or you can take a long board, screw it into the studs, and then attach the hooks to that.
yard tools in garage

Simple shelves came from this shelf in our rental entryway attached with simple metal brackets ($1-$2 each)
simple shelves in garage

hanging storage in garage

How on earth is anything supposed to get done around here when it looks like this outside?? I want to be like Maria and climb them all.

autumn colors

Happy Wednesday --


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