Welcome to day 30 of 31 days! I have been a crazy cleaning girl because I have been trying out the HomeRight SteamMachine.
so I filled up the tank with water, waited a few minutes while it got good and hot. When both lights are on, it is heating up, when the orange one goes off, you are good to go.
Look at that steam coming out when you pull the trigger!
The curtain looked so much better without the wrinkles and creases!
Let’s go into the master bathroom -- this a corner that has not even been cleaned since we moved in. It’s by the closet and it got extra dirty when we were moving things in with mud & boots.
Just a few shots of steam took care of it!
MUCH better.
Moving on downstairs to the kids’ bathroom. We obviously need a lesson on scrubbing the tub. Lots of soap scum buildup around the edges and hard water stained fixtures.
Shiny and clean again :)
My last trial: I’m packing up the rug that has been on our front porch but wanted to get the stains off first. My boys love to take otter pops and sit in the rocking chairs so we have lots of rainbow stains.
I found that it works best to hold the steam over the stain for a good 20 seconds, then rub with a cloth. Then repeat 4-5 times or until stain is gone.
I obviously love this machine, but here are a few pointers I wanted to share:
I was about to call the company to say that they had forgotten some parts. But lookie here -- parts inside! Just to save you a good 10 minutes looking around.
The steam is HOT, as it should be to do the job right and to kill 99% of germs and bacteria . Your kids will see you using it and want to try it and that worries me a bit. There is a lock on the handle, but I try to use it when they are not around.
Warning: the first time you hold the trigger, water will spray out! Spray it in the sink or a bucket for a few seconds until the steam starts flowing.
There are a few things it wouldn’t take care of -- like some caked on hard water spots on the tub drain and the purple otter pop stain, but I didn’t work on that very long, I was too excited to try it for other things. :)
Some other things you can try your HomeRight SteamMachine for:
*cleaning grills -- it has a wire brush attachment.
* cleaning and sanitizing counters and floors without any chemicals -- it has long handles and attachments for both.
This is not me..stock picture from HomeRight:
* removing wallpaper! I sooooo wish we had this at our home in Texas -- it has a large plate attachment.
* use to sanitize your mattresses and kill dust mites.
And we’re giving one away today -- in the comments, just tell me the first thing you would use your SteamMachine on!
Happy Steaming!
* this post was sponsored by HomeRight. When I am approached with product reviews, I agree to try it out and only share it with my readers if I love it and think you will too.
I would use it in the restrooms and then the mattresses!
ReplyDeleteI love having clean counters in my kitchen plus showers in the bathrooms.
ReplyDeleteOf my 6 children, 5 are boys. Needless to say, the bathroom toilet areas need some very deep cleaning. They never seem clean enough! That would be the top of my list.
ReplyDeleteThe mattress! Who knew?!!
ReplyDeleteIt's a toss up between hard water stains and this black adhesive stuff on the tile that has been there since we moved into our new build a year ago....
ReplyDeleteI would steam the edges of the carpet along the wall.
ReplyDeleteI would love a steam machine for my counters - they're white with an orange peel finish - very hard to clean!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great giveaway!
ooh! this looks amazing. cleaning grout would be my first task, but I could use it a lot of places!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful giveaway! I would use it for rugs and the bathroom first! :)
ReplyDeleteOh the grout I could clean with that machine!
ReplyDeleteSo many uses but I am currently removing wallpaper from lathe and plaster walls in my kitchen. This would be amazing.
ReplyDeleteThe bathroom first!
ReplyDeleteOh, definitely the mattresses! Then I'd go around steaming everything! :)
ReplyDeleteDefinitely on my tub and showers. They have so much hard water. And then everything else...
ReplyDeleteTake that right into the kids bathroom. It looks like a dream to me!
ReplyDeleteRunning an in home daycare there are lots of places I would use this, but cleaning mattresses would be my 1st choice.
ReplyDeleteI would clean my tile grout and believe me it needs cleaning!!
ReplyDeleteI have drop cloth drapes to be put up and I dread ironing them. This would end that dread.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely my showers and my rug! Looks amazing.
ReplyDeleteI would use it to remove the ugly wallpaper in my reading room
I would use it in the bathrooms!
ReplyDeleteThe shower grout, without question!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely my bathtubs and showers!
ReplyDeleteWow, that's a pretty awesome giveaway! I'd love using it in the bathroom and my oven range.
ReplyDeleteI would tackle the bathrooms first!
ReplyDeleteMy shower! We live in a 1950s home on the beach in Hawaii and it seems nothing can keep this place clean. I think this steamer would do wonders for our home.
ReplyDeleteWould love to see if it takes the orange grimey stuff of my tub as well as it did yours!
ReplyDeleteI would use it to help clean our apartment. we will be moving soon (I know you can empathize) and it will make the cleaning process SO much easier.
ReplyDeleteI love the mattress idea!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely my bathroom floor!
ReplyDelete3 boys plus 2 dogs equals too many messes! Steam me up, Scotty!
ReplyDeleteThe bathrooms would be first, definitely. Then on to the carpet and mattresses...
ReplyDeleteWe just bought a new house and have a cathedral ceiling wall covered in wall paper....we have been trying to figure out how to get the old-fashioned seventies paper off the wall and this would be a great solution as we try to make the home our own!
ReplyDeleteVery cool!! I've been shopping around for one of these. Thanks for your review. I would LOVE love love to win this. We just bought a new house and...eww...previous owners not OCD clean freaks like I am.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to pick which spot to use it first - there are so many areas in my house that need this! Bathroom floor might be the winner though!
ReplyDeleteI would use it on some new drapes I want to hang.
ReplyDeleteLiving in Arizona, we have a lot of sand and gravel tracked in daily by 4 kids and 2 shaggy Labradoodles. The first thing I would use it on is all of the dust and grit left behind after sweeping.
ReplyDeletei love cleaning with steam and i would use it in my bathrooms, laundry room and matresses....thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteI would start with the shower and tub. I am sure my daughter would use this also!
ReplyDeleteI have never thought of cleaning a mattress. Vacuuming, yes, but not cleaning.
ReplyDeleteI would use it in the kitchen first!! Love this!!! Thanks
ReplyDeleteI would have a hay-day with this thing! Starting with the toilet area in the kids bathroom, for sure!
ReplyDeleteMy rug and sofa. And then on to the bathrooms (all three of them) and tehn into the kitchen.
ReplyDeleteMattresses for sure!!!
ReplyDeleteI would use it to clean tiles in my kitchen. :)
ReplyDeleteCounters!!! I never feel like our kitchen and bathroom counters are clean enough.
ReplyDeleteI own one cleaned the inside of my oven and now it looks brand new :)
ReplyDeleteHard water stains.... That are everywhere it seems!
ReplyDeleteSuper cool! I would definitely use this to clean my son's bathroom.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great review! I would use it on my curtains--all of them!
ReplyDeleteOh my GOSH that machine is just about the best thing I've even seen! I'm afraid to say my entire house could use a good cleaning with it... counter tops, floors, bathroom, mattresses but if I had to pick just one thing- it would be my parrot's cage (minus the bird- I don't want you to think I'm trying to kill him!). I've never found anything that could really give it a good go although I've tried many things over the 32 years we've had him. I'd say it's about time he got a sparkling clean home!
ReplyDeleteI'd use it to remove some gross wallpaper and clean the walls of the house I'm buying!!
ReplyDeleteI definitely would start with the bathrooms and then move to some corners of the tile floors!!
ReplyDeleteMy bathroom wallpaper, kitchen wallpaper, wallpaper, wallpaper, and more wallpaper (ugh)!
ReplyDeleteI would use it on my mattresses first, followed by the bathrooms.
ReplyDeleteThe first thing I would try it on is the bathroom - would love to see my discolored grout transformed like that!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh the soap scum stained tub in our guest bathroom that has been scrubbed probably 1000 times since we moved in and STILL doesn't ever look clean! Maybe this would do the trick!??
ReplyDeleteWhere would I not want to start?! Kitchen floors and tubs and showers. That would be exciting!
ReplyDeleteI didn't even know I needed one of these...who knew it was so useful! I'd start in the bathroom, but I do have some curtains that I just can't seem to get the wrinkles out of, so maybe there?
ReplyDeleteI would use it for the nasty kid's bathroom! I'm ashamed of how dirty it gets!
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw your hard water bathroom fixtures look like new again, I knew I'd love the steam machine. Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteWe just moved and the downstairs has LOTS of wallpaper! And I love being able to use it on mattresses! Hope I win!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWith 3 boys, my bathroom floors can never get clean enough!
ReplyDeleteI'd clean my mattresses then steam my curtains. Great giveaway!
ReplyDeletemy dirty tile floors are the first thing I'd tackle!
ReplyDeleteMattress! Just found out I'm very allergic to dust mites.
ReplyDeleteHow cool! I would use it on my shower to clean in between the grooves in the floor.
ReplyDeleteWe'd use it on the grout on our kitchen counters. How awesome!
ReplyDeleteI would use it to remove old wall paper in my 70's house.
ReplyDeleteI would use it all over my house but first on my new wool rug that my dog just got sick on.
ReplyDeleteI'd use this on our carpets!
ReplyDeleteI would use it first on my entry hall floors! then pretty much clean everything else in my house!!! :)
ReplyDeleteMy Bathroom!
ReplyDeleteI would give it a workout on the grout on the tile in my kitchen. That would be wonderful!
ReplyDeleteThe tile, every time our overly inquisitive dogs ingest and then...ahem...get rid of something they should have left alone!
ReplyDeleteOhmygosh! I need this so bad. I would definitely start with the kitchen floor and then I would steam clean all.the.things. seriously!
ReplyDeleteThe tile in my bathroom. And then the kitchen floor.
ReplyDeleteI would really like to steam my mattress!
ReplyDeleteI would use it on my tile floors!!! Looks like a great machine!
ReplyDeleteI would use it in my bathroom to deep clean it!
ReplyDeleteOh, I would love this!! I would use it to steam my bed skirts that are soo wrinkled!!
ReplyDeleteThe bathtub. I dislike the scrubbing involved in that job.
ReplyDeleteI would clean old tiles, especially. Is it safe for hardwood floors?
ReplyDeleteI would love this for steaming my bed sheets! They always look so disheveled when I put them on the bed, but who wants to iron sheets?!
ReplyDeleteI would love to use it on the grout in the shower!
ReplyDeleteI would go crazy on my grill out on my deck! After a summer of feeding the troops, this well loved appliance could use a "day at the steam spa"!!
ReplyDeleteMy kitchen floors!
ReplyDeleteHard water spots all over the bathroom and kitchen. Well basically everywhere since I am so sensitive to cleaning products.
ReplyDeleteI would ues it on EVERTTHING!!!! "I'm taking back the house!"
ReplyDeleteI'd use it on the tile in the bathroom.
ReplyDeleteI would have to try it on one of our showers and the mattress
ReplyDeleteOmg...I have been wanting one, so glad you tested it out first and gave your review! I would use it on the tile in my shower!
ReplyDeleteI would clean the kitchen floor - no matter how I clean it, it just never seems clean enough!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite chair. It was the first "real" piece of furniture my husband and I bought together 15 years ago. After two boys and three Pekes, it permanently holds a blanket draped over the back to cover a spot we can't get clean.
ReplyDeleteOh, I hope I win! I would start in the bathrooms, then mattresses and then.....my basement. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI would use it to clean my curtains and mattresses.
ReplyDeleteThis is AWESOME! I have a burlap shower curtain that has been wrinkled since it was delivered. You can NOT use an iron on burlap (OOOPS--made that mistake before) so this would be PERFECT.
ReplyDeleteCarpet first! Then showers and tile, then mattresses. OMG, ALL the things!
ReplyDeleteBathrooms and Mattresses! The the kitchen!!!
ReplyDeleteI would definitely use it on my carpets, near the baseboards!
ReplyDeleteOhh my goodness! This is awesome. The first thing I would use it on... Oh the choices! Probably my bathroom around the faucets.
ReplyDeleteThe first two things I would clean would be my mattress and couches. It looks like an amazing product.
ReplyDeleteWe recently moved into an 140 year old house. And while the bathrooms are not quite that old, they have seen better days and I'd love to use a steamer on the cannot-get-clean floors and tubs.
ReplyDeleteI would use it to clean the grout in my kitchen!
ReplyDeleteI would use it on my floors.
ReplyDelete1st = the master bath! Yikes!
ReplyDeleteMattresses definitely ~
ReplyDeleteI would use it to remove my wallpaper and clean the grout..
ReplyDeleteOn my wrinkled up curtains! This would be a lifesaver!
ReplyDeleteI would use it to clean my college aged son's bathroom!
ReplyDeleteI would use it on my bathroom tile and fixtures. So hard to keep clean with hard water.
ReplyDeleteI'd tackle the hard water stains first!
ReplyDeleteI would clean my kitchen and bathroom floors!
ReplyDeleteCounters and backsplash
ReplyDeleteThe first thing I would clean would be the tiles around my toilets!
ReplyDeleteI would start on my carpet. Thanks for the chance.
ReplyDeleteI would use it to clean my bathroom tile floors!
ReplyDeleteThe laundry room tile floor is begging for this steam machine! The grout there has seen better days :-)
ReplyDeleteI would use it on the tile grout throughout our downstairs!!!
ReplyDeleteBathroom soap scum!
ReplyDeleteI would definitely start with the icky white tile in my master bathroom.
ReplyDeleteI would steam the wrinkles out of my drapes
ReplyDeleteI would use it on the bathtub first, boy would this be a godsend!!!
ReplyDeleteThe first thing would be the bathroom floor, followed shortly by the tub. I really hate scrubbing the tub.
ReplyDeleteMy bathroom!
ReplyDeleteAll three bathrooms.
ReplyDeleteI would use it on everything! Tile and grout first.
ReplyDeleteLike you, I just moved into a new house. Well, a new house to me and we have quickly learned they were not cleaners.....nearly the whole house could use a lovely steam clean. Then I could finally rest easy :)
ReplyDeleteThis is a neat device! This would come in handy in our bathrooms and really all over the house with my messy crew! :) Love your blog! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMy master bath shower!
ReplyDeleteI would use it for my grout!
ReplyDeleteI'd use it in the bathrooms for sure!
ReplyDeleteI would use it in my boys' bathroom!
ReplyDeleteMy kitchen floor to ceiling!
ReplyDeleteI never thought about using a steamer for anything but getting wrinkles out. I would have to steam the whole house! Thanks for the nice giveaway.
ReplyDeleteAbout to move into a new house with an old rug and old dining chairs - they desperately need some attention and this would be just the thing!
ReplyDeleteWithout a doubt my bathroom floors! They have a textured tile and other than scrubbing them with a toothbrush to get into the nooks and crannies, they never come clean.
ReplyDeleteI would try the grout in my bathroom first, then on my rug.
ReplyDeleteBATHROOM!!!!!!! OMG my boyfriend would have a field day with this thing.
ReplyDeleteBATHROOOOOOOOMS!!! (Tile and grout baby!) Thanks for the great giveaway :)
ReplyDeleteI would SOOO use this to clean the filthy grout in my children's bathroom!
ReplyDeleteMy curtains, my area rug and LOVE the bathroom cleaning idea!!
ReplyDeleteOh my! Our Master Bathroom Shower would be the first thing steam cleaned in my house! I despise scrubbing the grout!! Love this!
ReplyDeleteWithout a doubt the first thing I'd use the HomeRight Steam Machine on would be the floor in my teen son's bathroom! Thanks for the opportunity to try it out!
ReplyDeleteI would use it in all my bathrooms, especially around the toilet area. My 3 yr. old grandson has bad aim. (o8
ReplyDeleteLinen drapes, baby toys, throw pillows, pet dishes, . On and on.....
ReplyDeleteI would start by using it to clean the bath tub tile and get the wrinkles out of our shower curtain in our new to us house that is filthy!
ReplyDeleteThe boys bathroom!! Twice - for good measure!! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm having a hard time picking just one thing... definitely the wrinkly curtains, definitely my main hallway, the bathroom, the mattresses and someone else mentioned the oven which would be amazing.
ReplyDeleteI would use it to clean my kid's bathroom - years of pee stains from my home's previous owners - can't seem to get rid of it!
ReplyDeleteI can't even pick just one thing--I want to take this to my entire bedroom--curtains, comforter, rug, recliner, pack n play...you name it, I want to steam it.
ReplyDeleteOh I would LOVE to win this!! I just moved into a condo with wallpaper that needs to be removed ASAP! It would also be great to sanitize our new place.
ReplyDeleteI would use it on my shower doors and would love to try it on my kitchen counters!
ReplyDeleteI have three boys and a dog...needless to say this would be well utilized in my home. Specifically I really would like to try this out on the buildup/hard water stains in the jetted tub jets.
ReplyDeleteI will definitely try it out on my rug by the front door which catches a lot of little stains.
ReplyDeleteOur furry Collie loves to sit in the dirt and mud. He then brings the dirt into the mud room. I would use the steam cleaner to clean the dirt from the walls, floor and blinds!🐕
ReplyDeleteBATHROOMS!!! Although I came to your site today to check out curtains and once I unpack mine I am SURE they will need some steaming!
ReplyDeletemy curtains, too!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! That looks awesome!! I would try it in the bathroom on the Calk in the shower and floors! Those spots make me crazy!!
ReplyDeleteI would use it on my curtains. Although I love the ide aof oing mattresses to. natalie.k711(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteI would use it on the curtains first. Although I love the idea of doing the mattresses too!
ReplyDeleteTake care of those hard water stains in the shower!
ReplyDeletewhat an awesome product! The first thing I would use it on would be my floors... I've been washing them on my hands and knees for about 1.5yrs (when my shark steam mop broke)!
ReplyDeleteI would use it in my bathrooms, love subway tiles hate cleaning all the grout!
ReplyDeleteI would definitely use it to help clean the bathtub grout. Yuck!
ReplyDeleteI just hung drapes on two windows and tried to get the wrinkles out with a spray that says it will do just that. It didn’t. I’d use the SteamMachine on the drapes first.
ReplyDeleteI'd clean my kitchen floor.
ReplyDeleteUm, everything?!?! Our mattress! The floors, oh, the floors! This sounds amazing!
ReplyDeleteI have my 92 year old brother-in-law staying with us. I NEED it for around the guest room toilet and toilet rim. Please, I have to clean at least twice a day around there, it would be nice to sanitze without using chemical sprays. Love your newsletter!
ReplyDeleteI would use this in my bathroom - especially on the tub - you are brilliant!! :) Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI have a teeny-tiny steamer that I love to use on my microwave and stove top. I would use this one for my mattresses, counter tops and many other bigger items.
ReplyDeleteI have 8 children. I would clean bathrooms. Then I wouldn't have to avoid them anymore (the bathrooms, not the children). ;)
ReplyDeleteThis looks great, Melissa. Thanks for the giveaway. I would use it in my bathroom first--and then share it with my daughter at her house.
ReplyDeleteWould start with the bathrooms then work my way through the other uses! ! Looks like it works awesome!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely would take it into the bathroom, and then next our mattresses!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to try this out on our bathrooms and kitchen! This tool looks amazing :) Thanks for the great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI think I would spin around in a circle not knowing where to start first - the bathrooms, the floors, the curtains or the wallpaper - too many choices!
ReplyDeletedefinitely in my bathrooms!
ReplyDeleteI would use it to remove the wallpaper!
ReplyDeleteWhat an eye-opener! I'd use that baby on my mattresses in the house, then take it to the kitchen for all over cleaning session! Great review and thanks for the telling us about this product!
ReplyDeleteI'd definitely like to try it in our bathrooms!
ReplyDeleteMy Bathroom!! I too have 5 boys and the pee, oh the pee!!
ReplyDeleteMattresses and couch! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMy showers, then the windowsills are crying clean me now.
ReplyDeleteMy husband's shower!
ReplyDeleteI would use it in our bathrooms - we have hard water that leave spots/mineral deposits that are so hard to clean off!
ReplyDeleteShower! Then grout, then counters, then...I just love the idea of clean with no chemicals.
ReplyDeleteI would finally get rid of the last room of wallpaper in my house!
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing giveaway! I want it!!! I need it to clean my bathrooms! Soap scum is nasty and I would love a natural alternative that uses nothing but water!!!
ReplyDeleteI would use it on my counters! Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI've been dreaming of a steamer...this one looks perfect!
ReplyDeleteI would use it for my kitchen. I would steam the whole room!
ReplyDeleteI would steam my curtains to try to get the wrinkles out. I've had them hanging a few months hoping the wrinkles would drop out on their own...but it hasn't happened yet.
ReplyDeleteThe first thing would be the bathrooms mummytotwoboys@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteNever thought about using a steamer on the bathroom tile. That is the first thing I would do.
This looks like a dream. I would use it on my kitchen counter!
ReplyDeleteI'd tackle the mattresses and pillows first
ReplyDeleteThe shower!
ReplyDeleteI would use this to help get some of the smoke smell out of our new house and to freshen items we've had in storage for awhile