spring porch & front door

25 March 2015

Hello! Welcome to our spring front porch. :) The chalkboard is from this print using my handy overhead projector. The little chicks and bunnies are from past years.
easter chalkboard decor

The spring/easter pillows are from Tai Pan and spring easter pillows bunny 
the striped ones are from Costco. You just never know what you will find there!
easter spring pillows
spring pillows 
For the wreath I used some linen ribbon from Sam’s club and some dogwood flowers from the tree I got from my little road trip to Eagle’s Wings antique shop on main street in Buchanan, Virginia. I just cut the tree up and am using the flowers.
spring front door wreath
spring dogwood wreath
Can I tell you that my heart is aching for spring in Virginia! It’s beautiful here too but that super bright green on the tree covered hills and the magnolia blossoms and dogwoods everywhere! I do miss it, so I guess I had to post some spring pictures I pulled up from my old files?
april 2010 038 1
april 2011 232 1
april 2011 022 1
Happy Spring fluffing!


  1. I love that you can decorate outdoors! We're always worried about the rain over here in Michigan.

  2. Beautiful decorations! Love the bunny pillow.

  3. Diana Cloudlet3/26/15, 7:36 AM

    It’s such a
    great post! Awesome! I like your style of writing and your photos!

    I know how
    much time it requires to keep updating your blog, but don’t stop doing it!)



  4. melissa*320 sycamore3/26/15, 9:28 AM

    It's a covered porch and stays pretty protected :)

  5. melissa*320 sycamore3/26/15, 9:28 AM

    Thanks, Bridget!

  6. Spring is indeed a beautiful season to enjoy! Hope you stay healthy

  7. rebecca @ olderandwisor3/26/15, 9:45 PM

    I can't read that sign without saying the words in melody. So cute.


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