great deal + printable for gifts

22 February 2016

There is a great deal on Inkjoy pens at Amazon today – they end up being only $2 for a pack of 8!

ink joy

and you can click here for the  yellow & red printable to go with them OR a red and green printable for gift giving! Hailey is getting some for her teen friends, also think teachers, neighbors, co-workers, youth at church, students, mail carriers, birthdays, ministering sisters, clients, UPS delivery, church workers, bus drivers, or just to brighten a day!

joy printablejoy printable red green

Here is a printable with 4 to a page with the yellow and red:
joy printable 4 to page

and 4 to a page for the red & green:

joy printable red green 4 to a page

Wishing you joy – have fun with these! ♥


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