I love pulling out the Halloween decor, probably because the kids love it and it reminds me of being little at Halloween! This is on the front porch where I try to contain the spooky fun.
These test tubes were actually a spice set that I found at a thrift store – kind of like this, I couldn’t find the exact one but you get the idea. I just filled them with Halloween sprinkles and little plastic spiders from Walmart and candy eyes. The printed labels are from Etsy.
Do you remember the cart on the porch that was given a makeover? It’s a perfect storage for my halloween hoard.
Some more fun decor on the porch!
This phone is still a favorite and goes off when people come on the porch – our cutest little neighbor boy just got brave enough to come up and knock on the door and I hear him whispering, “it’s just a toy, it’s just a toy.” I do have my eye on the spooky radio though!! Do any of you have it? I am waiting for a great sale/clearance so let me know if you see one.
I pulled out a ladder from the basement storage room that worked great for a display!
Happy Spooking!!
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