holiday garland show & tell

10 December 2008

The Nester is having a show & tell with garland today~she is all about taking plain green garland and froofing it up with whatever you have about the house. I loved hers when I saw it and knew I wanted to fluff mine up. I took a plain green garland, added some clear lights, gathered some white berries that are on my mantle all year, some red sticks of berries from Target's global bazaar clearance last year, and some greenery garland from Hobby Lobby.

I am in love with gold stars this year. These were plain paper mache ones from Hobby Lobby (.50 each on sale) that I just spray painted gold. I was hoping I could tell you they were half off this week, but they're not.

Then, just tuck here and there and froof up your tired green garland.
Mine isn't as big and grand as some, but I love it so much more than a plain green garland and is about all that would fit on our mantle shelf above the fireplace.

Then, you can take your trimmings and go around to other areas and froof:
Even your wreath on the closet door!
There is a whole party of garlands over at the Nester's. Go check them out! Thanks for stopping by...and happy froofing!


  1. Pretty! Pretty! Pretty!!!!! I love it all!

  2. Oh, it looks beautiful! I haven't posted my mantel yet, so didn't join the party, but come on over & visit sometime!

  3. You did a wonderful job. I love the stars! Christmas blessings to you and your family!

  4. It's gorgeous!

  5. Very pretty. I love the stars too!

  6. This is wonderful! Great job! Yea for Hobby Lobby Half Off weeks too. Too bad those stars aren't on this week, but maybe next. :) Do you know you can often print a 40% off coupon on their website too? Your blog design is beautiful as are these pics of your home and make me want to go decorate! Kelly

  7. That looks so good! I meant to put berries in mine, too, but forgot until I saw your's. Hmmm...maybe I can find some at Michael's this morning. I *love* the color of the brick on your fireplace.

  8. Your home looks fabulous and you mantle looks gorgeous!
    I am glad Miss G let us all know about prining off Hobby Lobby coupons. I think I'll pay them a visit today.
    Thanks for the beauty and Christmas cheer.


  9. Lovely! I love the stars.

  10. Super pretty! I love the white berries and the stars!

  11. It all looks the stars, looks fabulous against the brick!

  12. I like the mantel, and I also like the nativity scene on your table with the garland...just lovely!

  13. Really the stars and natural colors on it! And what's not to LOVE about Froofing! LOL!
    PS: Really enjoy you post before this one with the canister decorating ideas....MY KIND OF WOMAN!!

  14. I love all of it -- so much. And I really, really like the story behind your blog name!

  15. Now that is my kind of decorating!

    Great work! And I heart the stars!

  16. Your garland is so lush and lovely. Absolutely adorable!

  17. I love those stars! You did a great job!

  18. Love those stars...

  19. Wow, so beautiful . . . yet so simple. Great combination :)

  20. Oooh, I like it! Great ideas and very pretty stars!

  21. I love it! I'm intimidated by garlands, but I think I need to get over it and put one together for my stairs. I so wish I had a mantle!

  22. Those stars were a great idea. Your home looks very festive!

  23. I love your garland. The stars are wonderful!

  24. Love the stars...everything is so pretty.

  25. I LOVE your garland. And all your other trimmings as well! Looks great!

  26. I love yours! I'm more of a simple look girl and I think yours is just perfect. I'll be watching for those stars to go on sale - so cute!

  27. Can I just move in? This is so utterly beautiful!

  28. cute! i love the white berry thingys!

  29. BRA...VO!!! I love what you did with all the add ins. Just glorious!!!!

  30. I love the stars that you used, I think I need them!

  31. Your garland looks amazing! I love seeing all of your "easy on the family budget" project ideas that look beautiful! Thanks for sharing your tips :)

  32. Your garland is BeAuTiFuL! I love the stars, and will be heading to Hobby Lobby tomorrow! Thanks!

  33. I love your garland--especially with the stars. They really add a lot.


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