Some Things I’ve Learned About Being a Mom by Meg

07 May 2010

Meg Duerksen from whatever is here to wrap up our week of guest posts. Meg is a wife and the mother to 5 really cute kids. She loves Jesus, photography, coffee, blogging, gardening, sewing and creating art.

when i think about mothers whom i have learned from about the actual act of "motherhood"
many different women come to mind.
mothers that love their children for who they are and what they can see in their child's future.
mothers that encourage the gifts each individual child has.
mothers who listen more than they talk.
mothers who have boundaries and rules but aren't dictators.
mothers who are life and in discipline.
mothers that are faithful in prayer for their children.
what i have taken away from the mothers in my life is that i can relax and enjoy them.
they will get hurt.
they will get sick.
they will get their hearts broken.
and they may in fact break MY heart.
but i cannot control them.
i get to teach them, advise them, love them and dream big for them.
but they have the choice to become whatever they whatever effort they want...
make good  or not-so-good choices for their life.
i cannot make them choose my way.
and that is liberating.
it makes me want to teach, advise, love and dream even more.
because if i am doing that....i am doing my best.
if i give my best to my kids...then I AM GIVING MY BEST.
nothing is better than that.
i like to have fun with my kids.
i love to see them get silly or messy.
and it makes me so happy to see them be creative.
it's ok to get messy.
it's ok to be silly.
it's ok to be whatever kind of mom you want to be!    
it's ok to say no (to cell phones or sleep overs....)
it's ok to say yes (to one more cookie...paint on their hands...staying up late to read).
it is an honor to be a mother.
in my humble opinion....there is no greater calling.
nor is there a harder profession.
i am giving it my best.
happy mother's day.


  1. Meg~
    Your pictures always tell stories by themselves. I love how you truly seem to enjoy the little things in life and let your kids do the same. Thank you so much~

  2. Great pictures! I especially love the one of the youngest looking at all those snails. Excitement, Wonder and Amazement, all wrapped up in one great shot!
    And it is ok to say no to sleepovers. They will survive! I remember the day my youngest came home with a boy and girl sleepover invitation. I about crapped my pants!
    That was a big fat NO!

  3. Excellent post ~ I wish I'd read it twenty plus years ago when my children were young. I will be sure to share this with them now....because I know my grandbabies would love shaving cream!!! : )

    May God bless you (both) in a very special way this Mother's day!

  4. What an awesome series this week. This is so true to stop sweating the small stuff and use your authority where it matters most!

  5. Just what I needed today...getting rid of the need to control, dictate, but not feeling guilty for saying 'no' to things that other kids feel are entitlements. Love it!

  6. AMEN! You said it, sister!

    Melissa, thank you for this beautiful series! Happy Mother's Day to you!

  7. I love her pics! Her blog is totally fun and she's a hoot!
    I love what she wrote about the different kinds of moms and doing your best because that is all you can do... is your best! Happy Weekend and I've enjoyed your tribute to mothers this week Melissa!

  8. You've got it figured out, Meg!

  9. Such beautiful pictures! You are one FANTASTIC mommy!!!!

  10. Meg...Happy Mother's Day to You!!!
    I love the pictures and I love to see a sweet younger mom having so much fun with their offsprings.

    Nana ~ Esther

  11. That was beautiful Meg! You couldn't have said it any better. Makes me want to wear a badge or something...that says "I am a Mother and proud of it:)"

  12. Love your post. Love your pictures!!!
    So much to learn!!!!

  13. The one with the asrmy men is so precious! They all are, but my sons used to do that and brought back so many sweet memories.

  14. Beautiful Meg! You are a great mom.

  15. Not that I need any more reasons to wish I was a kid again. These pictures are amazing! I esp. love the one w/ the snails. Best use of the slimy buggers ever.

  16. Lovely photos!!!!

    I agree with you wholeheartedly.

    Happy Mother's Day.

    :) Laura

  17. I love Whatevers blog! There is always something fun going on : )

    Gemma X

  18. Meg has the best blog!
    she makes me want to be a better mom and to remember to take more photos of it all.

  19. There is nothing I could say that Meg hasn't said so beautifully. I have enjoyed her post.

  20. i love your pictures! it looks like an AMAZING childhood!! happy mother's day!

  21. I absolutely loved reading this guest segment (and those photos are so priceless).

    I'm so glad I found your blog - I'm your newest follower!

  22. Whoever wants to affiliate with my blog or for us to follow each other's blogs on Blogger, let me know! I'm willing to return the favor, I mean we could all use some more traffic & readers on our blogs.

  23. Melissa, thank you for this series this week - I enjoyed it so much! All lovely ladies who inspire in blogland and are dedicated moms in real life (like you). It's so wonderful to celebrate motherhood and I hope you had a great day with your family!

  24. love is messy!!! Great post!!

  25. Your pictures always tell stories by themselves.
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