Summer Chore Cards

01 June 2010

I thought this would be an appropriate re-post as many of your kids are out of school or getting out soon…I’m getting my cards ready for next week. I uploaded the chore cards we use 4Shared to download. or on Google Docs to get an idea of what we use. You are welcome to copy, cut, paste, and adapt to your family to your heart’s content(the formatting got all messed up when I switched the font to Times New Roman, but you get the idea) If you share them, please just link back here~thank you.
Our Summer Chore Cards

I made up a list of all the chores my kids help me do. Walk through your house and see what you would like done. Maybe you want dusting to happen at least once a week. Maybe your glass screen doors are covered in fingerprints like mine. Maybe everyone's shoe baskets are spilling into each others and you need to organize them and distribute them to the rooms. Or better yet, why couldn't your kids organize them?
Your kids can do more than you think~it may take some time to teach them how the job needs to be done, but in the long run it will pay off for years and years on both your parts. You all live in the house and you all need to help take care of it, right? Right. :)
Then, I typed up the list in Microsoft Word and added clip art pictures with them to make them a little more fun and also for the younger ones that can't read. I printed them off on different color of cardstock for each child, cut them into cards, and then took them to Mardel to get them laminated (I've found teacher and homeschool stores the least expensive for laminating) The kids cut them up, (if you're type A, you can straighten up the cutting when they're in bed :) Then I punched holes into them and put them onto a ring. Remember that frame I turned into a bulletin board? Turns out the hooks are a perfect place to hang chore cards on!
This is how we use them:
The "essential" ones like getting dressed, making bed, brushing teeth, etc. are done every day. I put a little star with a sharpie on those ones. Then, each day I add in one or two extra jobs that I decide need to be done that day. It makes a world of difference to divide the jobs up. Our big rule is that no one plays with friends, outside, on the computer, tv, or wii, nothing until their cards are finished. It's amazing how fast they work when their friends are waiting for them outside and their "cards" aren't finished yet.
Now, lest you think my kids wake every morning and come in and ask, "how can I help you today, mom?" I need to tell you that there will most likely be opposition. There will be some days of wailing, whining, protesting, gnashing of teeth, crying, howling, BUT
If you'll also see some fun cards. I don't throw these in every day, but they just love these. It's a fun way to make them look forward to something and the chores seem to be done extra quick on those days.
I like to change things up every few months to keep the momentum going (especially with chores) so in the fall, we switch to chore charts. Also, I would recommend making some blank cards to write on with a dry erase marker for new ones you think of and want to add...
I hope these help you out!


  1. Great idea Melissa! Love it!!! The kids get out of school this Friday... so on Monday they're starting summer chores!! Thanks!

  2. I LOVE this idea! My 20-month-old needs to start helping around the house. But I can't get the link to work. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Help please! :)

  3. I couldn't get the "here" link to work either. Thanks! :)

  4. Link doesn't seem to be working - but great idea though.

  5. Blast! Sorry, y'all. Let's try this it working now?

  6. Love this! It's a lot like The Duggars' system...and they are my heroes!!!

  7. I used a system like this when my older kids were small and it worked well with littles. Now that I have bigs and littles, I have to mix it up a little. But I agree with you. This system works!

  8. I love this too! I will add this to my "system" for the summer. I'm not sure all the cards are there (there are 21) Your pictures show some cards that are not there (looks you have some gardening cards) & there are no "fun ones". What fun things do you add?

  9. Awww man! Trying again...I accidentally clicked that anyone could edit them and the fun ones got deleted. It should be fixed with a Microsoft word file to download as well....I hope.

  10. Thank you so much! I've just been handwriting their chores down each day, but I bet this will be lots more fun! Thanks for doing all the hard work! (Well, I guess it's the kids doing all the hard work! haha!)

  11. You are a genius, my friend. :) We tried a magnetic chore chart back at Christmastime with Natalie (who had just turned 4). It did not go over well...she didn't grasp the concept of "you only get a magnet if you do the job." This is great!

  12. What a fun idea! I just made a summer chore chart yesterday, but this is way more fun! Thanks!

  13. You are so organized! I love this idea. I have an only child so I didn't need these but I do love the idea.

  14. It works! You Rock, THANK YOU!

  15. That's a great system. I'm so glad I found your blog! Since you did all the work, would you mind posting a link or emailing the lists of jobs? I'd love to make my own chore cards.

  16. Whoops, now that I reread the top of the post, I see that you already did that! So sorry to not read and pay attention.

  17. Oooh I need this. I bought a 19.00 laminator from WalMart so I can do all this at home! I even have the rings! Thanks for including your chores!

  18. Thank you thank you! I'm going to print these out and start them Monday! :)

  19. Thank you for sharing this idea! The links worked for me and my daughter asked me last night, "Do we get chores tomorrow?" She was very excited about this! lol Let's see how long she thinks it is fun!

  20. I downloaded mine, added some of my own and got them laminated. It was similar to a system I used last summer but I like these better because they have pictures and they helps my non-readers. It helps me to keep track of what each child needs to be doing each day. I have four kids so that is essential to my absentmindedness. Like you said you have to change things up every so often. I added more of my own and took some out that I wouldn't use. I am so pleased with them. Thank you so much. Today is our first day using them but it's already super affective.

    Here's the link to my post and picture of how they turned out. Pretty much looks just like your picture.

  21. Fabulous idea. I started this with my 2 kiddos Tuesday and so far, so good (just the standard grumblings).

    Here is the link to my post with pics:

  22. sorry - I was multi tasking and hit the wrong thing. Here is the link:

    Thanks again for all the inspiration and wonderful ideas.


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