Inspired You by Miss Mustard Seed : giveaway!

15 November 2012

So excited for today’s giveaway! My friend, Marian from Miss Mustard Seed has written her first book! It’s beautiful and I felt like Christmas came a little early when it showed up in my mailbox.  Doesn’t the cover alone just make you want to buy it? :)inspired you miss mustard seed 2

I love the title caption: “letting God breathe new life into your heart and home.” I met Marian at the first blog conference I ever attended and had the privilege of sitting down with her over chips and salsa in the hotel’s restaurant. She is so kind, genuine, easygoing, and instantly makes you feel at ease around her.   Which makes her a perfect candidate in my book for writing about an inviting home and increasing joy! I’ve come to know her more through her blog and she has even quickly answered a few frantic emails from me: “what about this dresser?? would you pay this? wax or poly for my dining room table?” Did I mention she was patient? :)
My favorite parts?
The pictures, of course. Gorgeous.
Tutorials that are not on her blog:inspired you miss mustard seed 3
And this may come as a shocker to you that I especially loved this: she breaks down each room with her best bargains, free finds, and what she splurged on.
inspired you miss mustard seed 1
Here is her introductory video that tells you a little more:
Love her. And you will as well! It would make a lovely gift~you can find it here.
We are giving away 2 copies today! Just leave me a comment below telling me which room in your home could most use some Miss Mustard Seed inspiration. One entry per person please.
Happy Thursday~signature


  1.  My living room needs major help!  I love Miss Mustard Seed!
    Lisa K.

  2. Kathleen Haisten1/8/14, 8:08 AM

    I need some help with my library/office.

  3. We're still living in a construction mess, so having a little Miss Mustard Seed inspiration in our bedroom (which is our bedroom, dining room, living room, and nursery all in one) would be a real treat!

  4. My kitchen! I love her kitchen and mine is so dated. However, being laid off right now, all I can change is the accesories, not the big things. Thanks!

  5. My teenage daughters room.

  6. I love her style!!!  I need her help in my den!!

  7. Yvonne Drake1/8/14, 2:21 PM

    We just built a new home and I am at a loss at what to do with our office/spare bedroom!  

  8. Our dining room for sure! It's the first room you see when you enter our house. It's had an identity crisis for several years and I'm finally finding it's true soul and best functionality.

  9. My bedroom....I'm like most others and have left that for last.

  10. My bedroom could use the most help. It's a little bare!

  11. My living room could certainly use some Miss Mustard Seed inspiration.  Thank you so much!

  12. I would love some help in our family room. It is where we spend most of our time and it is mostly a tv, a couch, and a computer. It needs some love! Thanks for the chance to win!

  13. My living room could use some MAJOR help.. there isn't a picture on the wall! and right now it is a green house for my winterized plants! ugh.

  14. my bedroom needs some help, would love the book. It is beautiful!

  15. Just one room?? Umm, then let's start with my master!!!

  16. Oh my family room needs an update for sure! I'd love to read this book!

  17. Heidi@TheMerryMagpie1/8/14, 2:22 PM

    My master bedroom is horrible! We've lived here 8 years and have never touched it since we moved in. I hate the color and it's anything but a relaxing haven. I need Marian's help!

  18. Awesome!  I am looking to do our living this would suit me just fine! :o)

  19. Definitely my boys rooms.  I have four boys and each of their rooms lack personality.  

  20. Ugh. Probably my kitchen. That room is a hot mess. :)

  21. My living room needs some Miss Mustard Seed inspiration!

  22. My master bedroom ;and bath needs some H.E.L.P. for sure! Great giveaway! Thanks!

  23. My living room is in desparate need of some Mustard Seed love. We still have all our parent's hand-me-downs in there from over 7 years ago. It's time to start fresh.

  24. There are several...probably the combination guest/craft room.

  25. My living room needs lots of inspirational help.  Would love a copy.

  26. My mudroom/office/junk room could really use some inspiration.

  27. It's hard  to pick just one room, but I'll say our downstairs family room.

  28. Zerilda Wornica1/16/14, 9:11 PM

    Enjoy your blog....My craft / sewing / office / fun room could use a little inspiration.

  29. My living room needs lots of inspirational help.  I have lots of ideas, but now the execution needs to come.  Would love a copy.

  30. In our home, probably the foyer.  I've struggled to decorate it from the moment we moved into our house!  I want it to feel bright and inviting as it's the entry point into our home.  But, I've just never been able to achieve it!

    Mary Ellen
    The Working Home Keeper

  31. I think either our bedroom or our living room could use a little "Miss Mustard Seed-ness"

  32. our master bedroom needs all sorts of help.  it seems to be the room that gets dumped on.   am i the only one who hides all our junk in our bedroom??

  33.  My kitchen! Would love to win a copy!

  34. Great giveaway! My whole house could do with some Miss Mustard Seed inspiration I'm afraid... but mostly the living room!

  35. My guest room is an awful mish-mash of leftovers, it needs some help.

  36. All our rooms could use a touch of Miss Mustard Seed--but our TV room most of all...

  37. Ronda Batchelor1/16/14, 9:11 PM

    This looks like a great book!  Would love it.

  38. My living room needs some help! I've had my eye on this book since it came out! Thanks for the giveaway!


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