diy belted sweater pillow

28 January 2013

belted sweater pillow 320 sycamore

An old sweater:old sweater

An old pillow that I cut up just for the stuffing:pillow cut open

a thrift store belt to complete a cozy, wintery look:belted sweater pillow 320 sycamoreI adore belts, but they don’t adore my waist. I’ll have fun with pillows instead. I got the idea from a house proud segment on the Nate show way back when. Wish I could find it…RIP Nate Show.
You realize I had to put it together somehow…and I didn’t hot glue!! I finally broke out the sewing machine my mother-in-law gave me 5 years ago. It looks like she has high aspirations for my sewing abilities, eh?hello kitty sewing machine
But actually, I have the best mil ever and it’s the one I asked for. Simple, basic, mint green, sewing pretty with hello kitty…right up my alley! Mostly I love it because this girl made a youtube video with this exact machine that I can follow~I love visual instructions. What did we ever do before youtube? It looks like Target still carries it online, but we found it in the store years ago on the endcap with a beautiful orange and white tag on it. Of course we did.
Don’t be looking for any sewing tutorials from me anytime soon, but as you can see by the material on the right of kitty…I’ve been a sewing foolcat.

Happy Monday~signature


  1. Laura Montgomery1/8/14, 6:10 PM

    I love sweater pillows. I just made some the other week along with a skirt pillow!

  2. Oh my goodness...too funny.  I got a sewing machine from my MIL the first year of my marriage....ummm....30+ years ago!  I've used it a couple of time.  It usually involves cursing tho  :)  

  3. Maryann - Interior Salvage1/16/14, 10:41 PM

    What a great idea!  I just love that belted pillow.  I may have to make one of those.


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