Hello friends! We are working on Hailey’s room – and it is a disaster right now! Paint cloths and boards and sawdust everywhere. We are busy and crazy like most other families and it is hard to find chunks of time to work on it. But I wanted to share my favorite part of the room that we did manage to get to: the chandelier.
My paternal grandparents grew up in Alberta, Canada. My childhood memories have a huge chunk dedicated to going to visit Grandma & Grandpa every summer. Grandma Reeva had a huge garden and we usually had to pull some weeds or pick some strawberries or peas before we could go play with cousins. Grandma loved to play cards and could mostly always school us in Rook, Rummikub, and Boggle. If you ever beat her, you were feeling pretty good.
Her living room had an old upright piano, a chesterfield, a big comfortable velvet chair, a sunburst clock, nuts on the table, and a beautiful chandelier that I would sit and look up at. That chandelier moved with her when my Grandpa died and she re-married and her new husband built a new house behind the one we knew so well.
This past autumn, Grandma had to move into an assisted living facility and my parents went up to help. My mom had asked if there was anything from the house that we wanted and I had mentioned that I loved that chandelier but the house was already sold so chances were probably slim on that one.
I’m sure I’ve mentioned before that I have the best parents ever and they asked the owners if they were planning on keeping the chandelier and they said no way, they were going to replace it ASAP and to go ahead and take it. So my Dad got it down, kept all the crystals and they surprised me on a visit around Thanksgiving. It means so much to have something that my Grandma picked out for her own house to live on in ours. They sure don’t make them like this any more with real glass & crystal. And you can probably see that we’re doing a little board & batten treatment in there as well so it’s coming slowly but surely!
Mom & Dad also brought me an unopened box of starch from Grandma’s laundry room – I love the vintage lettering & colors on it!
An eagle mirror that you may have seen in Lauren’s room,
and a tin box that she had cake flour in that I now store my yarn and washi tape in.
So this is a post to share a story, to remember my beautiful heritage, and a reminder to bring meaningful things into our home – some special things that you can’t buy on Amazon or on Target clearance.
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