get better soon package * sunshine basket from the dollar store

01 February 2022

 Chances are you know someone who is not feeling well or under the weather. Here is a fun gift you can put together at the dollar store for less than $10 with lots of yellow for some cheer.

Here is a video I shared on Instagram of our dollar store adventure to put together a get well package. My store was still $1 -- the clerk said she thought they would change over in February/March. 

Here are all of the items we included and they were all found at the Dollar Tree:

* Loofah

* Chamomile tea

* packs of purse tissues (use the yellow 💛)

* Clorox wipes lemon to go pack

* Ricola (I hope you said Ree-co-laaaaa in the voice)

* Carmex lip balm

* Ghirardelli Caramel Squares

I also have a printable you can add to it -- here it is to download (for personal use only -- thank you!)

Have fun putting this together!

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