Closet organizing and meal planning

27 January 2021

 Hello! January organizing and clean out continues! This is the same closet that I used for my Dollar store makeover in 2015 but I needed some bigger containers for some of these and something a little more durable than the lighter plastic. One of my favorite places for organizing bins and containers is actually Ross stores. Most of these on the top 3 shelves were 3.99, 4.99, or 5.99. I try to get them in neutral blues and tans so they look better together. 

My FAVORITE that I've found  (I also used them in our master closet on the top shelf) are these Better Homes and Gardens cube organizers. I love the fabric, the price ($5??), they hold ALOT and they have a little label holder as well! They don't come with the label but you can just use the back of a notecard or cardstock. I'm using them on a project downstairs as well and they just came back in stock online! If you're looking in store they are usually in the closet organization section but I have also found them in the cube organizer section near furniture.

I also have to tell you how much I am loving pulling up meals in Google Sheets. I just have to pull it up at the beginning of each month and just moving meals around and I don't have to think about it much. Or I can pull it up on my phone at the store. It's one of the favorite things I've done for meal planning so I just wanted to share it again. 

Happy organizing and meal planning :)

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