If you’ve been reading long, you know that I love to find things at the dollar store and spruce them up a bit. Today, I’m going to share some of my favorite practical things at the dollar store! Some items they have online, I’ll link up to them if they are. Most of these are phone pics, I didn’t feel like lugging my camera in.
1. Lightbulbs: Decorative ones always seem to cost an arm and a leg, these halogen ones sell for $6-$7 a pop at hardware stores! I put the dollar store ones right next to them in this light fixture and they have been just as good.
2. Camera Cases: are expensive at stores! This one was a favorite find~it is lightweight with a hard zippered shell. It has paint splatters on it (like everything else I own it seems!)
3. Disposable aluminum pans to take dinners in. I hate making a new mom or grieving family worry about returning dishes, so I always use disposable. At our church we like to make some freezer meals to have them on hand for last minute things that come up for families, we have loved use this recipe for chicken pot pie, the ultimate comfort food!
4. Tea light candles: real and battery operated, especially around the holidays for jack-o-lanterns, Christmas decor and festive tables! Remember the dollar store hurricanes?
5. Novelty Candy: for birthday parties, road trips, stockings, or just cuz.
6. Vinegar cleaner: sometimes this is hard to find in stock, so I buy a handful when I see it. I refill it with this recipe.
7. Kids’ coloring books and craft items: Have you ever priced coloring books at regular stores?? This is where I like to stock up for stockings, classroom crafts, and long road trips.
8. Frames! Here are some ways I’ve used dollar store frames in our homes: bedroom gallery wall ---- downstairs bathroom ---- simple Valentines craft --- spring vignette.
11. School supplies in the middle of the year. Back to school prices in August can’t be beat, but when you run out of gluesticks in March or need colored posterboard, here is where we go.
12. Pregnancy tests: Don’t turn your nose up because they are one DOLLAR. These babies are accurate, as I can attest ~my last 3 boys are proof. My doctor said there is really no difference between these and the $20 ones except packaging and maybe the shape. Don’t waste your money!
16. t-shirts, flip-flops, and scarves! These are perfect for crafts, summer activities, birthday parties. Remember the flip flops we made for my daughter’s bday? And scarves for middle school girls! I put them in fancy boxes and they never know the difference, well unless they happen to see them on my blog :)
17. Shoe stuff: heel grippers for shoes that slip off, gel inserts, etc. I can’t stomach paying pharmacy prices on these.
18. Bread, buns, and sandwich thins: does your dollar store get these in when they are about to expire? I ask for delivery times, then stock up and freeze them.
20. Birthday balloons, 2/$1 cards, and gift bags: I can’t bear to pay any more for things that go right to the trash.
What about you?? What do you stock up on at the dollar store? I would love to hear!
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