I thought I would save some money in the master bedroom by making my own custom color with leftover paint from other projects. I wanted a greige color and I had beige, I had grey, so I thought it would be perfect. I didn’t even have to run to the store. You are so awesome, Melissa!
It was awesome until….I ran out of paint.
Now I have to go and get my custom color matched if I want to finish the room. No time saved, no money saved. How can I complicate things any more?
after: clean but wrinkly.A couple of hot steamy showers, and the wrinkles will be history. This tip comes from my favorite cleaning book.
Thanks for your encouraging and understanding words yesterday~it’s amazing what a good night’s sleep can do for the soul! And thank goodness not every day is like that, right?? It’s hard to know the right balance of whining and complaining on the blog, but trying to keep it real, so thank you.
Let’s move more into my comfort zone: dressers!
I found this one at the thrift store and loved it, but it was $150. Oh c’mon, you know I can’t stomach paying that for a thrift store dresser! I asked the cashier if they had any 50% off furniture days coming up and she thought maybe the next Friday. Oh please, please, please let it be here when I come back…
It was! Believe me, there are plenty of pieces I would have loved that didn’t make it to the 50% day, but this one was mean to be. 

I lost my fitbit. I’m so bummed. We went on a date and I could see the shape of it under the sweater I was wearing, so for the first time I clipped it on the waist of my pants. I have called and called, but nothing’s been turned in. Since it’s so small, I may try to go look for it myself in the restaurant, the 2 blocks we walked, the parking lot, the concert hall? arrrrgggghhh. If you have one, keep it clipped to your bra.
I attempted to make a headboard for our bedroom this weekend. It didn’t turn out exactly how I imagined and I may have shed a few tears. I hate wasting time and money. It may just need a few days to get used to?? let’s hope.
I have been to the store 3 times today. We’re having some friends over tonight and so I tried to run to the store before my husband left for work. I was in a hurry, so I forgot 7 things and then I had to go back this morning with the boys and just as I got them buckled in, I remembered that I forgot poster board. Back in we went. Kroger cringes when we come in.
I have 8 cloth grocery bags in my van. I think I have remembered to bring them into the store ONCE. How do you remember?
my husband’s car alarm started going off this morning and would not turn off, even when he started the engine. SO LOUD. So I googled it, couldn’t find anything, so I called the mechanic and he said (yelled) over the alarm, close all the doors, lock them, then unlock them. it finally worked. Sorry neighborhood. Thank you, mechanic.
I had to throw away my favorite paintbrush because I forgot to wash it after using it. Unfortunately, this ain’t the first time that has happened.
Lauren asked me to switch her gym uniform from the washer to the dryer last night before she went to bed. Totally spaced it, so she had to stuff damp gym clothes in her backpack this morning. I told her to hang them in her locker and hopefully they can semi-dry before 5th period??
We put some home videos on dvd this weekend and at one point, the video camera was left on and it got me yelling at my boys for jumping off the couch in their shoes. The kids laughed, but I wanted to cry. It sounded so mean. Just what I want to remember…would it be awful of me to take it off or should I leave it on for reality sake?
I realize none of these are horrible, drastic events….just one of those mornings.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Love that line.
I better get my buns in gear~this house needs some major attention after the weekend. I’m going to set the timer for 45 minutes and just GO…things always seem to look up when you have a clean kitchen, right? Right??
Hopefully your Monday is AWESOME.
I’m sharing another favorite recipe today: banana bars! They are like soft banana bread, with a scrumptious glaze. They were brought to us by our friends, the Croshaws, in Logan, Utah when my first baby, Lauren, was born. Now, my kids love them. I make them in a sheet pan to make them stretch further.
Okay folks, this makeover isn’t about pretty, it’s about function. You saw what our tiny master closet looked like:
Happy 1st day of SPRING! Although it feels a bit more like summer here…I’m a little hesitant to think of what August will bring?? We are loving these perfect temps right now though.
Mission for the weekend? To conquer my shoes and jewelry in our bedroom. For my shoes, I got rid of 10 pairs, and hung the rest on the back of our door. If I get another pair, I’m going to force myself to get rid of another, because I won’t have anywhere else to put it. I hang my boots in my closet on skirt hangers like I saw from this pin! more on that later..
wahoo!! check one.
Sprouting wheat grass is super easy. Promise. It has to be easy, or I wouldn’t do it again.
1. Gather some wheat kernels (I used hard red wheat) or go to your local health food store and tell them you want to sprout wheat grass and they should point you in the right direction.
Soak them in water overnight, or until you see sprouts starting to pop through.
2. Sprinkle over soil in containers and lightly kind of mix it in, but you don’t want them covered with dirt. Spray water daily to keep moist. Mine was pretty sparse last year, so I layed it on thick this time and was much happier with the results.
3. Watch it grow!! Mine has been growing for 2 weeks and I’ve already given 2 haircuts.
These are tins from Target Dollar Spot:
4. If it starts looking limp, water.
5. Cut it with scissors if you want to. It smells so good when it is being cut! Just like a freshly mowed lawn in the summer…
I’ve found it’s just about perfect if I start growing the grass 2 weeks before easter~it would be cute for the Easter table to tuck some eggs inside. Here is an update of how mine looked over 2 weeks:
I’ve also seen it recently in stores with the seeds:
Happy grass growin’!
* bunny’s back! But it won’t be in time for Easter…(well, they were back this morning, looks like they are gone again!)
*are you a font-aholic? Some very talented ladies have shared their favorites~I love these and they are all free! -links to favorite fonts on my pinterest page
Remember how I was going to start sharing tips more often…back in November?? Yea, well here’s #2…four months later.
bear with me! Have you removed the doors and gone with baskets anywhere? I kinda like the warmth and texture it adds next to the sleek, cool dishwasher.
Some more follow-up questions on the master bath:
How did you paint your vanity?
Basically, this is how it goes:
1. clean & sand it down~this will increase paint adhesion. It doesn’t have to be bare wood, enough to remove most of the outer finish. I like to use liquid sandpaper for the base cabinet.
2. apply 2 coats of Zinsser primer, sanding in between with a fine sanding block.
Alma 37:6: one of my favorite scriptures in the Book of Mormon.
This is a favorite…I made this last night for a scout court of honor and finally took some pics. I have the best intentions of posting more recipes, but then I forget to take pictures.
I got this recipe from my friend, Buffy Madsen when we were first married and living in Logan, Utah. I’ve seen another on pinterest, but this version has 1/2 cup less butter (we still thinks it’s delish..it already uses 1 cup!) and we make it in a cookie sheet/jelly roll pan to make it stretch further. The printable link is here..let’s hope it works?
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